Non-Verbal Speech [Korean Culture]

Discussion in 'School Work Help' started by KuteDragonBabe, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Please help me find some information about Paralanguage, Self-presentation, and Proxemics of Korean culture. Thanks in advance.

    * Paralanguage: What are some of the vocal characterizers, and vocal qualifiers of the culture?

    - How something is heard and vocalized vary and hold different meanings in different cultures. There are two categories of vocalizations: vocal characterizers (laughing, crying, yelling, whining, yawning), and vocal qualifiers (volume, pitch, dialect, tone, rate).

    * Self-presentation: How does the culture dress? What about grooming? How do they feel about touch and time?

    - Touch: The meaning inferred from touch is influenced by such factors as the mood or state we are in, relationship with the toucher, past history, duration of the touch, location of the touch, whether the touch is active or passive. The duration, frequency and location of touch are largely culturally based.

    - Time: Cultures use and see time in very different ways. How a culture views and uses the past, present, and future gives insight into how its people communicate.

    * Proxemics: How does the culture treat space, distance, lighting, color, and temperature?

    - Space and Distance: Responses to violations of personal space are based on individual and cultural factors. Space between couples and space between individuals in public settings vary culturally. Seating and furniture arrangements are also influenced by culture and can reflect status, roles, and interpersonal norms.
    #1 KuteDragonBabe, Oct 2, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  2. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Sorry to state the obvious, but have u tried Google?
  3. ^

    I've searched everywhere including Google, but I coudn't find anything
    Actually, I found some information about Self-presenation
    But it wasn't enough. That's why I asked for help
    Especially about Paralanguage & Proxemics ^^
  4. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    i think for the para-language ...esp with 'onomatopoeia' ( words that imitates the sound it is describing) eg. 'pop' , 'bang' etc....

    Korean 'sounds' differ from Japanese and English 'sounds'


    A frog Croaking

    English: Ribbet Ribbet
    Japanese: Kero Kero
    Korean: Gaegool Gaegool

    Heart Beating

    English : bum bum, du-thump, lub dub
    Japanese: Doki Doki
    Korean: Doogeun Doogeun
    There's lots more on wiki, hope it helps? >_____<