I was debating whether to put it up since I am not sure if "she" is a member here ... lol Anyway, my uncle dropped by my house to give us wines over the holidays and he was talking about his daughter, my cousin's stupidity. Thinking the she's turning 28 last year and the fact that she's been driving an old junk car being not safe on the road, he paid half of her 2009 Mercedes sport car as a birthday gift. Then the horror started .. she got more than 10 tickets (both speeding and parking) since the new car. The worst of them all that happened just before x-mas. She parked her car a block away and walked to pick up her dress at a dry cleaner with her "name branded" purse that has over $4000 cash (just cashed her paycheck)and an instant polaroid camera left in the car on the front passenger seat. Needless to say, someone broke her window and took it all away. Then, instead of calling the police and doing something about it. She called a towed truck and towed it back home rather than a shop. She then rented a car and go about her business as if nothing happened. Her insurance policy has tow services but she didn't use it; just called whatever on the yellow page phone directory. Her insurance also covered pick-up with rental but she never bothered to check in. So yeah .. the mess was my uncle's x-mas present. Sigh ... What do ya'll think? Is she spoiled or just retarded and stupid?? I dunno but feel sorry for whoever gonna's marry her. She's not bad looking but just too dumb. Oh yeah, did I mention that she's graduating this June with her Paralegal certificate? Much luck to her future employers .. sigh...
Wow. I seems like she must have been missed out when they gave out COMMON SENSE to all the other kids. I think she's spoilt and stupid... no offense to your family. (I hope it's not genetic!) I'm suprised she's able to graduate at all. Perhaps she uses her brain in very specific ways...
Spoiled, retarded and stupid, she hits all 3 So what does she get from me? An Idiot Of the Month Award!!! *ding ding ding*
Retarded, stupid or retarded, doesn't matter. If her dad keeps paying for everything, he better has a very very good will to leave behind for her. Spoiling her won't help at all.
lol seriously I thought I was spoilt having to have dad to pay for my car stuff coz I don't have the money to fix my car.. I would jsut say she lacks the common sense and ignorant.... ignorant because she's not obiding to the law and not acting responsibly to her stuff lack of common sense because she doesn't bother reading her insurance policy and NOT to leave her shizz in sight of her car! I mean if I compare myself to her I hide things that are valuable stuff away and if anything happens i call my dad straight away for help hahaha
She's not a college grad. She was kicked out of high school. She got her GED and then enrolled in a JC for her Paralegal certificate .. not a degree. She's a mobile phone salesperson now but will be entering the paralegal profession this June. (sigh .. how some kids born in the US do not appreciate their free education these days) She used to be very smart but after she got into high school (top public high school), things changed. I am sure ya'll are all too familiar with the scene - make-ups, cigarette, truancy, drinking, etc .. you name it ..
hey makeup has nothing to do with one's intelligence... i think she's spoiled... taking everything for granted therefor not knowing how to cherish, not caring abt anything... if ur uncle want her to b safer on the road he should've got her a volvo not a merc sports car
^ Clearly you use make-up =p But I don't think he meant make-up goes directly into the phase of intelligence... It's more like you being insecure about yourself and using make up to make yourself pretty, able to fit-into a group, to become popular which COULD (not necessarily) lead to friends with bad influence... Just an example...
definitely, lacking in common sense. it sounds as if she's been very spoiled and sheltered from her surroundings.
Totally agree with Dawn.. Make-up has nothing to do with intelligence At least she is not going into a legal profession others people's lives will get fucked up by her if she is so reckless at what she does. At the end of the day your uncle could have controlled her life when she was in HS but I'm sure he wanted to let her do what she wants and that's the consequence... It's not just US, in UK it's all the same but somehow kids that get excluded from one school will get accepted into another as the law is the compulsory education till 16 or 18, not too sure when the 18 bit starts.... Nothing your uncle can do until she suddenly change to change her attitude... But rarely that happens so let her be and your uncle shouldn't spoil her as much anymore and put his foot down and get her to give him money (as in "gar yung") or kids to show that they are looking after them and what not...
She just spoiled with a rich daddy. It's the parents fault to give her much material things. They should make her earn her money. That's only way she will learn the value of hard earn money.