Number 13 Aimee chan winner of Miss Hong Kong 2006

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by don, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. don

    don ello

    Sunday August 13, 2006 HK


    The Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2006 took place last night at the Hong Kong Coliseum and the contestants showed their best in various different acts with the winner emerging as Number 13 Aimee Chan Yan Mei, who also took the award for Miss International Goodwill. Having earlier taken the award for the talent contest, she took three awards overall. Number 15 Janet Chow Ka Wai was a surprise 1st Runner Up and Miss Photogenic and the 2nd Runner Up position went to favourite Number 5 Koni Lui Wai Yee. Tipped to be a winner, Number 8 Suki Chui Suk Man left the event empty handed and had to settle with her earlier Tourism Ambassador award.


    After the show, the unsuccessful contestants went onto the stage to congratulate Aimee and at one point they knocked her crown off her head and down a few steps. The crew had to quickly pick it up and put it back on her head. Having been plagued with gossip throughout the contest with rumours of cosmetic surgery, this did not affect Aimee's performance on the night and she was boldly confident throughout with a broad smile on her face and winning points from the judges for her appearance in her 'bulging' swimsuit. Thoroughly deserving of her win, Aimee was so shocked when the result was announced that she wept on her father's shoulder, as though a great weight had been lifted from her. Her father was very proud of her as he showed his support for her on the stage. 25 year-old Aimee is currently a graphic designer and her ambition is to be successful and to explore the world. Having previously lost out at the Miss Chinese Toronto pageant, she decided to try again this time. Janet beat the favourites to emerge a winner with her standardised performance and her sympathetic smile. Stuck in third place, Koni did not give a very outstanding performance.


    The show played the 'warmth' card as the girls were arranged to parade in wedding dresses on the stage, causing Number 10 Liz Tsang to be moved to tears. Hot favourites Number 8 Suki Tsui and Number 1 Amy Tsang had been voted out by the viewers in the phone vote, but the judges allowed them to progress to the next stage. Suki was brimming with confidence and seemed a little arrogant at this stage. In the final 10 swimsuit parade and question session, the swimsuit scores were revealed for the first time in Miss Hong Kong history and for Aimee who had faced rumours of breast enlargement, she was mocked by Eric Tsang who suggested she should adjust them to raise her score. In the end, she achieved a score of 41, only a little behind Janet, who scored 44. For Amy who had been saved by the judges, she emerged as the highest scoring of the ten in this section. She joined Koni, Suki, Aimee and Janet in the final five, but she was unable to evade going home with nothing.

    The MC's this year were Eric Tsang and Nat Chan and another first for this year's contest was a debate between judge Tina Leung and the two hosts. The overly confident Nat even said that if he lost to Tina and Eric, then he will not be hosting the show next year, but if Tina lost, she would have to host the next show with him. Finally, the three completed their debate in the 8 minutes allotted to them, with Tina asking the question on how TVB should improve the standards of its show hosts. Nat responded in his usual jokey character, whereas Eric laughed that standards are inversely proportional to height. The debate continued with the sharp comments and soft insults and the witty Tina showed her power as she left Eric speechless at times in a very entertaining section. Afterwards, Eric apologised for Tina for some of the responses, but she understood and didn't begrudge him as she pointed out that he had changed from being gentle and pure to sharp and hostile. Eric agreed he would put that to rights.


    TVB's Chairman Sir Run Run Shaw had been admitted to hospital earlier and has since only emerged to go for afternoon tea at the hotel after resting at home. Sir Run Run made his usual appearance at yesterday's contest, arriving at the Coliseum at around 7:15pm, leaving the car alone, despite arriving with his wife Mona Fong. As he emerged, he was quickly surrounded by the press and Stephen Chan was on hand to meet him in the car park, lending him a supporting hand to pose for the reporters before accompanying him into the venue.

    Sir Run Run coughed a little as he left the car, but did not need any assistance as he walked slowly towards the stadium looking spritely. The press showered him with flashlights and questions, but he pointed at his ears, indicating that he could not hear them even though he had a hearing aid in. He leant over to ask Stephen what they were asking and Stephen explained to him in Mandarin that they were asking about his health. Ms Fong entered a little while after Sir Run Run and when she was asked by the press about his health, she replied: "He is good and has fully recovered. Thank you for your concern."

    Uncle Six was accompanied by last year's winners Tracy Ip and Sharon Luk as he watched the show and did not seem tired at all as he chatted and joked with them. Ms Fong sat apart from him on the next table with Deputy Chairman Leung Nai Pang, but kept an eye on him to make sure he was fine.

    With recent rumours that Faye Wong's daughter has a cleft lip, good friend Carina Lau had insisted that she does not have any deformities, but this was contradicted by Li Yapeng's admission on his website that his daughter does indeed have a natural cleft lip. As a judge for the pageant, Carina was asked about this yesterday, but she did not say anything as she lowered her head and refused to comment.

    Miss Photogenic judges included Stephen Fung and Niki Chow and they indicated that Janet was the unanimous winner of the award. As for hot favourite Suki, Stephen said that he was not aware that she was so popular and he felt that on camera, Janet emerged as the prettiest. Niki praised Janet for giving an innocent and warming impression and she felt that as Aimee was fluent in both English and Chinese, she offered a very international feel and was a good choice of the winner. Guest performers for the evening included Korean superstar Se7en and Myolie Wu. Aaron Kwok and Nat Chan both indicated their support for Aimee and Nat had jokingly admitted that he wished Janet did not win an award because he had wanted to sign her for his talent company.


    Winner Aimee indicated that she was both happy and touched and even under the shadow of the recent rumours, she still faced the contest with a calm acceptance. Maybe it was because she had not expected to win, it made her calmer in the competition. Her family have prepared cheesecake and soup dumplings to celebrate with her.


    Runner up Janet never imagined she would take any awards, so she was extremely happy and asked if she would try her luck in showbiz, she says that she will stay in Hong Kong for at least a year. She was thankful to Nat for his praise and says she will leave her career arrangements to the company.

    Third place Koni says: "I am very happy and excited. After the show I will be going for a shoot with TVB, then I just want to go home and sleep. I felt my performance was very balanced and I am pleased with it. (Where do you think you lost out on the crown?) I don't know, if I did, I would be a judge."

    credits: translated by Em @

    for some pics and info in chinese

    2006 Miss HK

    Have not seen the competition myself so can't tell base on the pictures.

    WINNER: #13 Aimee Chan
    1ST runner up: #15 Janet Chow
    2ND runner up: #5 Koni Lui

    Miss Tourism Ambassador: #8 Suki Chui
    Audience Favourite: #13 Aimee Chan
    Miss International Goodwill: #13 Aimee Chan
    Miss Photogenic: #15 Janet Chow
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    go #15!!! same last name =)...the winner is from mainland china?
  4. Kablamo

    Kablamo Active Member

    in the 2nd pic, they look alright to me. not like super spectacular or anything. maybe i have different tastes in women. :p
  5. don

    don ello

    Wow #16 sucks a$$ at talking
  6. some pictures she looks decent and other pics she doesnt look so good.....better than last years..didnt like last years winner...then again this year's candidates werent very good.
  7. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    13 is suppose to be an unlucky Number
  8. i wonder which one of these girls would be the first we'd see in a tvb series ;)
  9. usually the Winner gets TVB work first -lol
  10. my dad just told me... 1st and 2nd winners are from Toronto:D
  11. don

    don ello

    yeah they are.....i think theres gonna be some miss hk thing on tv next sunday
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    Chow Ka Wai is miss chiense toronto contestant #2 in 2004
  13. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    Not the best looking but not bad i suppose...
  14. hem

    hem Well-Known Member

    well...ahumm......not really sure how to react to the results in this contest.
  15. Luuman

    Luuman Well-Known Member

    The winner looks really hot, especially in the bikini, and if she had surgery oh well I don't care.
  16. nicole

    nicole Well-Known Member

    Girls look ordinary to me not great beautys or anything.
  17. SupremeHK

    SupremeHK Well-Known Member

    they are HOTT
  18. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    Cant deny she is hot
  19. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Yeah... none of the top 3 are all that pretty... winner isn't all that pretty either...
    Especially the girl on the right in the first two pics.
    Although in the bikini pics they look alright. lol.
  20. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    well...i think #10 was pretti...but
    her nose was a bit big...i cant
    belive dat she changed spots
    wif # 1...i thought #1 was ugly