OCZ OCZSSD2-1VTX30G 2.5" 30GB SATA II SSD for $83 plus free shipping (normally $150 - valid until 3/25. Use rebate form and coupon code EMCLPMX37 for $25 off). damned americans.. id love to run my OS and main programs off this beast. high cost per GB, but the ultra fast startup time would be baller
yeah, eventually we'll see 100 GB SSD's for this price... if i find like an open box 30 gig SSD one day for like 25 bucks that will be when i bite the bullet and make the change hahahaha for those who want the performance now though, this is a pretty solid deal
yeah i dont see how you can do much with 30 gigs, guess you would have to install all your stuff on your normal HD's so the only benefit would be a fast startup then business as usual with the other stuff. my comp would be so much better with one of them though, hopefully the price will befalling soom, i need 150gig min >.< http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-002-IN ouch..
that is an awesome deal for a SSD...but 30GB is still too small to do really anything with. the 60GB ssd that i got now still seems small to me