One Week of KAT-TUN @ Tokyo Dome Sunday January 25, 2009 TOKYO — Pop group KAT-TUN will hold concerts on seven straight nights at Tokyo Dome from May 15 to 21, while the Yomiuri Giants are on the road, according to their agent Johnny’s. Each concert will feature a different theme, Johnny’s said. KAT-TUN once held 11 mini-performances in one day, on Aug 27, 2002, before their CD debut. The group will try to set a new record at Tokyo Dome. About 385,000 fans are expected to attend the 1-week event. Japan Today
this is HANDSOME. i can't believe it . 7 days straight is absolutly amazing. the tokyo dome is so insanely big. i m pretty sure with all the fans they have they will break the record easily. i wonder if they will have special guest for this event