hey lately i'm into mahjong(real mahjong). but it's really boring by now playing single player games. so could you recommend me some online places where i can play mahjong with "online friends" ?
Any one know a Mahjong game where you can play with computers. I have one at home but its kinda old, anyone got one for me to download or something? The one with the site looks great but I don't want to vs people, unless there's a single player mode in there. This is just for my mother, :].
^ To be honest, I don't know know the title of the game because it like in jibberish. But it has like um animated Eric Tsang, Andy Hui, Bruce Lee, and some other people.
It is really a fun game. You can earn gold and experience points. With gold you can buy stuff to update your wawa.
saki - girls & mahjong http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=6246 akagi- http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=3446 and this is a fun japanese majong game