Pandora battery

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by fookjay07, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

  2. k20-k20z1

    k20-k20z1 Member

    I've never seen anyone crack a battery open to convert it to a Pandora battery. I remember my friend used a program to make mines. He just ran the program and the PSP and it changed into a Pandora battery. And I think the OEM psp battery is recommended for this.
  3. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    ^im not sure but this is what almost everyone does
    in the youtube video....
    so im guessing this is the way how to make a pandora battery
  4. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    you can use any original sony psp battery (psp fat or slim) to make pandora.
    i did it and it worked :O
  5. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    ^yeh but i dont wanna cut in half my orginal battery in half
    and then stick it back together..
    so i think im better off buying one..
  6. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    no it depends on how new ur psp battery is. u don't have to cut anything on the old psp batteries. its only with the new psp batteries that u do cos they removed the hack to make the pandora battery. depends how old ur original psp battery is.
  7. matethemouse

    matethemouse Well-Known Member

    just buy one. Unless you had used a whole month's budget on the psp you should be able to afford it.

    As a note to "k20-k20z"s comment. Yes if the psp is already "hacked" (by using a pandora battery) you can use it to make another pandora batteries (but you need to have/borrow a battery to do that)
  8. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    i just brought a battery but i cant seem to make it into
    a pandora battery i think its cos that battery is the new one as well...
  9. ins

    ins Active Member

    i thought it had to be the old fat psp battery to make it into a pandora? that's what i used anyway, and there was some software i found for the psp which basically meant you could swap between pandora battery and regular battery by just running the software, dunno if anyone else has heard of it.
  10. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Opening the battery is new to me as well, but I have an old fat PSP which I softmodded a long time ago with the old GTA exploit.

    Recently I followed this guide to make a Pandora battery which I used to mod other PSPs (including slim PSP):

    Once I had the Pandora battery I used this guide to install the latest custom firmware:

    I used the latest custom firmware from Dark Alex here:

    Btw, I believe the PSP-3000 is not mod-able yet.

    As for batteries, you might find the latest comments on this old article helpful:

    As last resort, I guess you can also buy a ready-made Pandora battery.
  11. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    ^wah Phantoman u sound so pro like...
    but thanks for the links:jump:
  12. aznacurarsx

    aznacurarsx Active Member

    i would just buy one..
  13. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    if u hav a psp that can already run homebrews u can use that to softmod a pandora battery. and then after ur done upgrading firmware change it back to normal battery.
    (that's how i did mine)

    if ur firmware upgrade fails and u brick u need a proper pandora battery to fix it.

    if u dont want to cut up ur battery or anything.
    dealextreme have premade pandora batteries for $15 lol

    but the site seems to not be working atm... haven't bought off them before but supposedly they work :p
  14. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    yea basically if u have the old psp battery for the fat psp u can use software to mad it into a pandora if ur psp is already modded to homebrew. then u can also switch that psp battery from a normal one to a pandora one of just keep as a pandora for future use incase u want to downgrade ur psp in the future or want to upgrade the homebrew and it goes wrong.
  15. Ginkaku

    Ginkaku Member

    :) I love DX!! Yeah, the pandora battery from there is 6 to 7 bucks with free shipping and it works like a charm! I've installed CFW on about 5 PSPs with it. You just have to make your magic memory stick and it's good to go.

    I wouldn't risk your battery since those are pretty pricey to replace (unless you buy from DX which is also very cheap too). Good luck!!-sorc
  16. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

  17. SeX1eStAsaBa

    SeX1eStAsaBa Well-Known Member

    I watched the youtube videos and whatnot. Did all my research and ended up cuting the actually battery in the started smoking >____<.

    After that I just bought a dantel battery switcher thing. It's so convient =).
  18. well... for making a pandora battery there's basically a hard mod and a soft mod method. Hard mod is your cut up battery to make it a pandora method while softmod is to run a program to turn your batery into a pandora battery. Overall I just decided to buy mine for less of a trouble. DealExtreme has Extreme deals O_O
  19. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member