ok so this happened twice, i leave my PC alone and its still on because im downloading. I come back and its like frozen, i can move the mouse, but when i click to open something nothing shows up. I cant even shutdown. so i shutdown manually and i let it rest. When I return, ITS ON!!!
man...that can be related to so many things....so let me get this straight and ponder this while u reply..u power off n when u come back its on?...are u sure ur not putting it on standby?....what app are u using to dl when it freezes?...how much ram in the system?...how much free hd space is left?...
ok, I watch it turn off, so i know its off, im using bitcomet, I have 512 MB Ram 100 GB free Hard Drive space. I dont think it has anything to do with downloading. Maybe a overheating PC?
3 things here: -trojan -wake on lan -bios power mgmt sertings First, unplug ur system from ur modem and from ur network (that is, if its connected to a network). Turn it off, leave it, n see if it comes back on by itself. Second, do a thorough virus scan. Third, u havent been messing with ur bios again have u? Let me know wat happens n we'll go from there. Knoc
I had problems with bitcomet crashing my comp when I download. Leave your comp on without bitcomet running and run other programs and if it doesnt crash then i guess its bitcomet thats the problem. If you think your comp is over heating then see if you have somthing that can tell you your CPU temp. I have an asus motherboard which has a program call asus probe and that tells you temp info, etc. (oh yeh check that all your internal fans in your comp are actually spinning) Run a program called Prime95, install it then run the torture mode (from options) and it will run your comp at full load. If it crashes then you prob do have an overheating prob or something
i have an intel mobo, i think its bitcomet, and I cant test it because i leave it on alot and it only happened like 2 times in 4 months
I dont think its a virus just cause you dont crash with bitcomet on. My comp use to crash with bitcomet and its 100% virus free. Its because bitcomet is I/O intensive. Try look at the event viewer in admin tools and look under system, any errors should be reported in there
hmmm .... try a registry cleaner as freezing and crashes are sometimes related to the memory registry there is a great freeware reg cleaner think its EasyCleaner, u need to check wiv knoc for that as he suggested it in his thread
All comps should be made to handle continous use. If not then its a poor job. You should be able to leave it on 24/7 no probs. Bad power supply?
You should first post us your system stats: What is the processor? How new is your system? If very old, when did you last reinstall windows OS? How full is your harddisk? Do you have lots of background applications running? 512mb ram is not much. >.< ( could be memory leak from too many apps running in long periods of time )
Hmph, since it only happens with bitcomet, I'm leaning towards the fact that bitcomet is the culprit here. However, I don't thinkt bitcomet has the power to boot up ur pc while it has been physically turned off. I know of trojans that do this, hence the test of removing ur system from the net and turning it off to see if the problem still persists. Also, ur nic can also be affecting ur system as some of them have a wake on lan feature when a specific packet is sent over ur network. There is also a feature in ur bios setting that can acconplish this turning problem also. Also, as drag suggested, a registry cleaner would also help as a if this is a possible trojan, it would definitely make changes to ur registry. Another thing to consider here is ur power supply. However, these are all possible things to check. Again, if u say it only happens with bitcomet, it may just be that. The thing we have to find out is what exactly causing the problem. Run ur system disconnected for a day or so without bitcomet running and post the results. Knoc
maybe some loose circuits... overheating of some sort. Bt can put a lot of strain on your drive... so maybe somethin' is tripping. but when in doubt, always put your pc in safemode. It'll be lot easier to work with in safemode. Check if it's a bit more stable in safemode.
The only real way you can find the root of the problem is to test every single one of the suggestions we have used. Otherwise you will never pinpoint it really... Thats what comes with using pcs