What do you guys think? Are you fine with holding hands, kissing, hugging, and etc. with your girlfriend/boyfriend when going out? I'm fine with everything except for kissing in public...it feels kinda weird seeing couples making out right in front of your face. It happened to me a few times.
couples making up in public is disgusting especially if they look like they're about to have sex but cute little pda stuff isn't as bad
me and the gf don't care what other ppl think but then we don't really do making out in public... just like kisses and hugs and holding hands...
PDA is cute when it doesn't look like they're going to need a motel soon. It's not cute when it's right in front of you, especially when it's your own friends....
PDA is okay to some degree/extent. But PDA really bother me if the couple is nasty and ugly. I don't know why, but ugly couples seem to bother me, and I see this all the time at malls in my dump city. Sorry, i know, i sound so shallow!
lol, it bothers me also cause I'm single and I'm like why are they together and I'm alone!! But I know its sounds shallow (which I am so I don't care). I don't really like PDA, I'm okay with holding hands but I think that PDA for me is just a display to show everybody how you love each other, but you know, we don't care/need to know. Just do it in your privacy.
I dont really like PDA because it really bothers me when people are making out right in front of you. It's like you don't what to do and it makes you feel so uncomfortable. That's kinda disrespectful.
I think pda is fine if they don't mind me staring or pointing and laughing. If I have to see it, then they should accept my comments. =P