Hi guys.. need some comment and opinion here on People who leave home for selfish reason. Do you agree? Leave home as in like running away from home because of family problem and also seeking for asylum. What do you guys think ?
There are many reasons why people leave home and most people's eyes it is selfish. I mean who doesn't wanna go out in the world and not get trapped at home or who doesn't want to have their own property into their names? I don't get WHY this post is up? care to elaborate WHY you posted this?
umm you can't judge another person until you've walked a thousand miles in their shoes. Like how people think suicide is selfish?
this question is rather subjective.. people leave their homes for different reasons.. we can't generalized it.. in your eyes.. the reason the person leaves home, for example no freedom, might seem like a small matter to you.. but to the person in question.. it might be the only thing he/she ever wanted so far in life...
I'm writing an augmentative essay in that topic, so i would like to know what people think about it True, and I'm a guy who wants freedom so bad that I've sacrifice my interest(studying something i live in my home country) to travel overseas for further studies.. cause i know that's the only way I'll ever gain freedom...
Most kids run away from home cause they feel like they are trapped in a situation they can not handle and need to break away from the trouble. It's selfish indeed, because they are only servicing their own feelings without taking in the bigger picture on how it may affect people who care for them
Oh...since its something serious...most people tend to suicide cos of feeling trapped or under huge amount of stress or in depression. It's selfish in other people's eye cos they're taking their own life away as well as causing the most significant pain to those around them by leaving them behind. Yet on the other hand the person committing suicide might not be feeling selfish at all as at that moment as their views and emotions are completely shrouded by the troubling situation and hoping to find the quickest solution to that problem and as during that moment they have lost any sense of logic they eventually pick the suicide route. Too long? Read the red bits. -Flames
I think it depends on the situation... people dont always leave home because there are problems at home... I think at some point people just decide they want to live their own life... which isnt selfish, sometimes u just gotta do what u need to do for ur self.... moving out doesnt mean cutting contact or not caring about ur family.... sometimes they leave cuz its too crowded... imagine if uve got 3bros n sisters... -_-... or maybe its too stressful/ there are too many obligations at home and they cant take it anymore? either way i dont think its selfish in most cases... I agree.... I often hear ppl say that...u dont know one's story so why judge.... recently my close friend's brother commited suicide because he was depressed n was having serious mental health issues n someone said he was selfish... n i like wtf! he did it cuz he was too tired to go on n thinking he was being a burden... how is someone selfish when they have those thoughts.... i wanted to tell her to go fuck herself -_-
i agree.... i really hated my dad before and we always argued such as such, for years, no freedom, etc. plus other family issues, just really wanted to run away from home. That's quite selfish huh?....Then i had to move away from home on my own, thought i would be about it but i ended missing home and my dad.......-.- i knw people who have fam issues all the time and just wanna run away from home---i think that's selfish too (?) wants to experience new things, the world, job, i guess all count as selfish reasons?
A lot of people mentioned it already .. everyone's different .. can't generalize it .. most importantly, age group. I think regardless of our reasons to leave home, as long as we can live with it (meaning no regrets with the decision), then it's good.