i saw something today that pissed me off to no ends. i was on the subway today and it was packed. in comes this old lady and no one offers to give their seat to her. i always give up my seat for others that should get the seats first (elderly, kids, pregnant women etc) call me old fashion but it makes me even more mad when the guys don't offer up their seats to the people that need it. i'm not saying they should get up for me, i'm perfectly fine standing. like today, when the old lady got on the train and stood in front of this guy, he pretended to fall asleep. i wanted to bitch slap that guy so bad. -censored if i had more guts i woulda told him to get up. AND another thing, on escalators, if u plan to let the lift take u up then move to the right so ppl who want to walk up can get past u. Common decency people!!! Sorry for the rant. just had to get it off my chest.
tru aboud escalator...i think about offerin a seat then i get embarass or something so then some1 else offers it while i think about if i should stand lol..and ppl walkin takin up the whole sidewalk..like a few ppl walking sideby side..piss me off..i dont like walking out of the curb so i just walk thru and not say excuse me...and when some1 walks towards me i always walk straight make th guy weive around me lol
I do agree that people who lack courtesy annoy me too! Not only they do not give their seat to old ladies/pregnant women, when I try to give my seat there will be some PERFECTLY capable person dash and took the seat! That annoys me BEYOND any comprehension. I usually will ask him (that's usually a him, unfortunately) to give the seat because I only leave BECAUSE I want to give the seat to the person in need. Another nuance is people who crowd the train door, trying to get in before the passenger who try to exit have exited. It always resulted in the passenger who try to exit getting stuck in the human-wave and miss the stop. I also get annoyed by people who recline on the handbars on subways or buses. :( Occupying all those holding space! Escalator can be problematic too, specially with a group of 6-7, they generally will try to stand in a squarish circle, which means they take up 3 steps of the left side, blocking the ENTIRE train of escalator! Another variation are people who stand on the left side, trying to let people pass. But one cannot pass because the next standing person is on the right! Stupid!
facebook group called: "I offer my subway seat to the Eldery, the Pregnant and Nuns" my friend is the creator. and theres only 35 members lol
You all can hate me, I never gave my seat to the elderly. I'm mostly standing though, even when there are seats available.
^ ya i rather stand unless theres a chair beside me..cause i don't like sitting beside random ppl..they may b filthy...only leng lui's can sit beside me lol..i try to take up 2 seats to avoid fat ppl to sit beside me and squish me
OMG! i soooo agree with u. i do the exact same thing. u shouldn't have to say excuse me, they should know they had it coming if they don't move. do they think that just because they are with a friend it gives them a priviledge to the whole sidewalk?!
I used to offer up my seat to people and stuff, but I stopped after this one incident where I offered my seat to this old lady and the lady didn't take it, so I got really embarrased. I completely agree about the escalator though. It especially annoys me when I'm in school! When I'm in a hurry to get to class because some teachers are strict about that, I always end up waiting on an escalator because the people won't move! That's why I always try to avoid the escalators in my high school and just run up the stairs. Not to mention that the escalators are broken ALL THE TIME.
FOr me... Mostly i would give up My seats for elderly people ... unless .... i am so drunk until i can't stand up hhahauuah
LMAO, iono maybe they were taught that way. i was taught courtesy so i would give it up. and i pretty much totally agree with the escalator thing. And i hate people who stand in the middle of crowded ass areas when people are trying to walk by and they're jst talking and standing there.
you know alot of people these days don't hv any courtesy at all. No manners. no moral ethics. Everyone is so grumpy and unhappy too
Well.. some people is quite selfish and cruel. Usually I do offer seat to the old man/lady. Just to be nice & friendly. Standing for hrs in a bus trip - dont really hurt me I think...
It doesn't matter much to me standing either, I am trained to sleep standing in a moving bus No, really.
Um, I have a thing against children. If the parents cannot contain them properly, it really is just bad parents. Plus, I won't have 2 seats to give to both the child and parents. I have had terrible experiences where the parents would sits down and tell the kid to stand in front of them. That piss me off enough to stop giving seats to the kid. Unless of course, the parent end up sitting next to me (which they shouldn't be sitting in the first place), I would probably give my seat to the child. But to be frank, I am just scared away from the child. I am a pedophobe.
^ i dontl ike kids runnign around too...some kid stepped on my shoe :@:@ yonge station is so effing crowded and dangerous and like a push and some1 will fall on the tracks...i ahte it when 2 trains arrive at the same time and then people rush to go on the escalator and stairs..and every1 stands on the escalator when theres a rush..and i have to push my way to get on the escalator..piss me off
Yonge Station??? OHhh, you mean Bloor Station, Where half the world gets off and the other half gets on. People there are crazy, they push and shove just to get a seat. Why do people stand on the LEFT!!!! Theres a sign saying "stand right, walk left" or something like that. It only takes 1 person to slow everyone down, just like traffic, which is another thing that pisses me off, lol