Soooooo.. What pets do you have, if any? Picsplz or get out -lol I want a doggie, but can't where I'm living :( I have two Hammies: Emmette ]This is Emmette, named after Emmette Brown from Back to the Future because of his crazy furr He's the older hammy that we own, about 2 years < Emmette Brown ______________________________________________________ Maylo And this is Maylo, our baby hammy. Well, he is about 4 months old This is Maylo's cage, it's quite big:
Awwww, adorable! He looks so cute, and I like his pillow -lol He looks like he's giving a high five in his sleep
I thought the cage is quite small -_- b/c when I had mine, I had tubes interlink into 3 different cage ^^ b/c they had babies and my sister was bored and decided to just buy 3 more cages -_-
Well, big floor space anyway Compared to the size of the hammy.. Most tubes and cages are bad for the hamsters, because of lack of air, they can get stuck e.t.c I think it's like 71cm length ways or something >_>
woo i have a white long-hair teddy bear hamster too! however i do not have a picture of him. he is almost 1 years old now. i was thinking about getting another one, (same white one) but it is hard to find. Later i changed my mind. Apparently they kill each other at a certain age cause of territory.
Oh yeah, you can't put syrian hammys together! Most definatley not - even though you see them in pet shops like that, thats because they are still young... when they get older they need their own space! Nothing wrong with getting another cage though right? You should try get a piccie of your hammy ^^ C'mon people post more pet piccies!
getting rottweiler soon [video=youtube;A1KuNfSCcW8]"[/video]
Awwww :( as in he/she passed away, or it got lost somewhere and never found? Either way very sad :( -hug sorry mr.g
u remember the strong gale force winds we had last winter (or the one before) with everyone in England getting their garden fences blown down.. well that happened to us and all our neighbours so the dog went about its own business. was amusing with all of us having to buy new fences
ahh well, its all good, im sure he is being looked after by whoever found him, days before it happened i was like "should i put a tag on his collar with our address on it...".
I only had a pet goldfish, and it died on the first day. I want to get a dog, but I don't know what kind yet.