Picking up radio signals with your headphones

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by eledoremassis02, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. eledoremassis02

    eledoremassis02 Well-Known Member

    Just happened and it was frigged weird lol Thought I blew out my ear until I head some talking and then I heard it on both sides. Has it happened to you? Why does it happen....if it's normal lol.
  2. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    It is a weird beeping sound? I've had that with speakers but not headphones. It should be normal because all consumer grade electronics are required to be subject to interference in order to comply with FCC standards. ;)
  3. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    that happens with mine... i usually think my song is corrupt or somethin and then i turn it off and can hear voices.. dunno if it's a radio or a cb radio... :S all i know is i hear voices but it's really soft...
  4. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    usually at work the speakers i have on would play radio stations i thoguht it was weird at first but then ig uess its not all that weird after a while
  5. aznboi699

    aznboi699 Active Member

    can someone provide a more in-depth explanation.. cause i get that too.. although i never heard any voices or anyone talking whatsoever rather i just receive a lot of static that sometimes i react by taking off the headphones quickly.. - i mean if we understand why it happens perhaps we would kno how to prevent it :p
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    it's the white noise lol, this never happen to me before with my fm capable mp3 player though...
  7. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    its simple explanation, its like how any wireless transmission works

    you send out radio waves, which should be picked up by an antenna (i believe the waves induce electrical energy in the antenna, thus reproducing the wave signal down the antenna)

    now if you go through a path of radio waves, your headphones act like an antenna and end up picking up signals

    its called interference and happens to most wireless devices. The way to prevent this is to shield the wire so the radio waves never reach the wire. But its not necessary for a pair of headphones unless your willing to dangle 10mm thick wires off your head
  8. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Shielding the cables alone won't eliminate the interference. The audio source will also be subject to the interference. It shouldn't occur frequent to cause a problem.
  9. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    that usually doesnt happen to mine....weird..
  10. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    never really happened when i listen to my music, wierd lol