Pictures of your aquarium and all! A thread dedicated to aquariums, plants and fish keeping. post them here -sorc The pictures I posted earlier in the other thread, I'll post some new ones from time to time headbang2
dont most chins have fishes..anyways..?? here comes 80k fish tanks...pwhahaha... either that or here comes the 'gum yu lo's.'...-lol...
haha, yea clowns are very amusing, i remember my pair of maroon clowns moving the corals around, boy was it annoying. cory cats are awesome, pandas are cool. If I had a chance to set up a planted tank I would definitely get some. and yes that is a turtle, fully aquatic freshwater turtle.
wowwww i want a turtle too..!!!!...are they hard to care for..??.. ^ waitt you said yours is a "fully aquatic fishwater turtle"... so it has to be in water rightt...??.. nah i want the other type....that doesnt have to be in water...^^
^ nice tanks you got there...why is the first one so empty yes the one i have must be in water, the only time it needs to be out of water is when the female needs to lay eggs but anyways i think you're talking about either a land tortoise or semi-aquatic turtles like a red-ear slider.
^ that's a sick turtle lol how's big your tank? oh and nice tanks you got there it a flower horn in one of them? what kind of fish is it with?
Oh ^_^ i had a silver arrowna and it jumped out and died. waiting for the chinese new year to pass to buy another one, maybe. yeah its a flower horn. the feeder fish is with the flower horn. red rosey minows to feed the flower horn.
^ i had a fishy when i was a bb...and it jumped out and died too...i cried for daysss coz my fam all laughed @ me...and said even the fishes wanted to escape TT___TT why do fishes jump out anyways....???...-confused?
Thanks man, right now they are all in a 20 gallon (I know, it's a really small tank) hoping to move out soon, so no point in setting up a bigger tank. Once everything is settled, 225 gallon here i come! I used to have an arowana, it only lasted me four years before it died. that was a really sad moment. Invest in something more than a silver this time, maybe a green or even a red-tail gold arowana! -tongue2 brown_bear, you must be one lousy pet keeper i kid, i kid. -innocent anyways arowanas are known to be jumpy, because in the wild they jump to catch insects and small creatures. watch this vid: [video=youtube;IMyWRAhPdWs]"[/video]
probably spanish, haha, get a lid next time yes, sea turtles are illegal as pets. but I don't have any sea turtles, I only got a freshwater turtle.
update dancey1dancey1 still a noob.....trying to figure out a way to not get so much algae on my plants, any suggestions? i don't even keep my light on 24/7, only keep it on during the day...
One of my friend is so into saltwater fishes and coral these past years...wasted like $5,000+, maybe even around 10k... He bought a tank for close to $3k which was shipped from Canada... It weight like 200lbs and needed a few people to move it up to his 6th floor apt. That was a bitch but he treated for dinner. But he has some really nice corals and fishes. He made a room just for his aquarium.
nice congo tetras you got there, they make a great addition to any planted tank. hmm. I would say max 8 hours a day. maybe your phosphate level is high? if algae is growing on the plants, I would suggest getting some clean up crew. Otto cats are probably your best bet.
shouldnt the light be on at night times..? when ya all about to go to trun off all the room lights and leave the fish tank light on so they can see where they're going right..??...-huh