Please help me by write down the lyric to a text.

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by chumeo_di_hia, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. chumeo_di_hia

    chumeo_di_hia Active Member

    Hi everybody! I'm a enviroment's volunteer. I want to translate this video to my language but I can't understand everywors she say because i'm very bad in English. So please help me by write down the lyric to a text. -clapclap

    Thanks so much for ur help!

  2. suijei

    suijei Well-Known Member

    Mandy- yes and I would like, like 20 more hair straighteners because just five isn't good enough and um I need some more of that aerosol can hair spray with um...yeah yeah yeah...yes..and oh i want some more of those fur coats, but only real fur. yeah yeah yeah totally...totally...yeah um totally but um..what is this, okay, whatever.

    Um Mandy? Mandy...

    Okay thanks, bye.

    you like my new coat?

    Is that real fur?


    Mandy, we need to talk.

    what's wrong?

    I know that you don't want to hear it,


    ...especially coming from someone so young

    but in the back (...) Wake up America, wake up Mandy

    There's a better life on the other's called...where's my going green paper?



    I didn't know what it was, I didn't...I ripped it up..I didn't..

    Do you know what going green means?

    Mandy, do you know what going green means?

    No I don't! Gosh it's so hot in here.

    Okay...I don't have time for this lol..
  3. chumeo_di_hia

    chumeo_di_hia Active Member

    More, please! :">
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    do I get paid for this? It's a 5minute video and you expect someone to transcript it word by word? Your best bet is use the voice recognition detector on Youtube, it transcripts it for you.
  5. chumeo_di_hia

    chumeo_di_hia Active Member

    it sounds good. How can i use it? :D
  6. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    On the bottom right hand corner of the video, turn on transcript, or IF you have a YT account, PM the user to start transcripting (it will take a day or two for YT to process it).