Plot Synopsis: "Heart of Greed" Airing on April 9th in Hong Kong

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Plot Synopsis: "Heart of Greed" Airing on April 9th in Hong Kong

    Caption: Moses Chan woos Carrie Lam with a bouquet of red roses. Developing a crush on Linda Chung later, he often fantasizes about her falling in love with himself.
    TVB's new series, "Heart of Greed" 《溏心風暴》 will be airing on April 9th in Hong Kong. The plot focuses on Ha Yu's family feuding over his abalone business and assets after his death. Ha Yu's wife, Kwan Kuk Ying often protests that Moses Chan Ho does not deserve the inheritance due to his illegitimate birth.
    Since the series is 40 episodes long, there is also additional drama in the love relationships, centering around the 3 male leads, Moses Chan, Raymond Lam and Bosco Wong. Even Ha Yu is torn between 2 wives.
    "Heart of Greed" boasts an acclaimed cast, featuring Yoyo Mung, Linda Chung, Tavia Yeung, Michelle Yim Mai Shuet, Lee See Kei, Lai Lok Yi, Fala Chen, Carrie Lam Lei etc. The family fighting over assets is another crowd pleaser plot. After the low ratings of the recent "Life Art," 《寫意人生》 TVB is eager to pull in higher ratings during the Easter season.

    In the series, Moses' character is a playful, yet kind-hearted heir. Raymond Lam is a lawyer, caught in a love rectangle with Yoyo, Linda, and Tracy Ip Chui Chui. Linda and Raymond are a pair, but her good friend, Yoyo enters as the third party. Moses and Tracy are dating, but he and Linda generate new sparks together. The love relationships are extremely complex.
    Bosco Wong and Tavia Yeung partnered together in "Dicey Business" and will reunite onscreen in "Heart of Greed." This time, Tavia's character marries the wealthy Bosco. If Bosco's character did not to wear glasses in "Heart of Greed," it may be easily mistaken that one is watching "Dicey Business" instead!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Caption: Moses taught Linda how to play the saxophone. Both lawyers, Linda and Raymond were originally a pair, but Yoyo Mung enters the picture as the third party.
    Moses as the Illegitimate Son
    "Heart of Greed" also features veternan supporting actors such as Ha Yu, Michelle Yim Mai Shuet, Lee See Kei, and Kwan Kuk Ying with significant screen time. Michelle played an awesome villainess in "The Brink of Law," but it is Kwan Kuk Ying who assumes the evil mistress role in "Heart of Greed."
    As the eldest son, Moses was originally believed to be adopted. Kwan often has disagreements with Ha Yu's first wife, Lee See Kei over splitting the inheritance.
    Michelle Mai plays Lee See Kei's younger sister. However she bears a shattering secret, as it turns out that Moses is actually Ha Yu and her son!
    Abalone King
    "Heart of Greed" explores the abalone and dried goods business. Ha Yu's wealth is valued at $600 million (HKD). Lee See Kei plays Ha Yu's first wife and Kwan Kuk Ying as his mistress. Ha Yu has 4 children: Moses, Bosco, Lai Lok Yi, [/b] and Fala Chen.
    The family got along well in the beginning. Once Ha Yu dies, Bosco was widely believed to be the next in-line to inherit the family business. Turbulence strikes as the family members protect their self-interests and fight over the assets.
    Source: [壹本便利 # 793
  2. whoaitselaine

    whoaitselaine Well-Known Member

    o__o; isn't moses a bit too old for linda chung? xx;
    and bosco has been in quite alot of series these days o_O;
  3. [​IMG]
    Lmao... he look so jeen gak ahhahahah....oh man cant wait to watch this...finally new raymond series!
  4. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    ^ LOLL moses looks so funnyy. am looking forward to this serie though
  5. ice

    ice Member

    I can't wait to watch this series
  6. yoyolib

    yoyolib Member

    first ep was soo funny. cannot wait!!
  7. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    mustt watchh
  8. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    Moses look a bit strange in here lol. Anyway, sounds interesting.
  9. blu_karrot

    blu_karrot Member

    Anticipation is killing me. I absolutely cannot wait. The cast is shockingly loaded with lots of veterans, TVB's new-comers and young cast members. I'm especially excited to see Moses, Bosco, Raymond, Linda, Tavia and Yoyo's performance!