Have a pic you think is a good representation of a particular forum section? Post it here! -sorc Any size but not super small because i can't work with it then. Might not use PA's old icon style not sure yet.
Chinese Entertainment/Chinese Female Artist BOOM! (assuming we using same size as old PA) Edit: Original Image
^ Add in Cilla with Stephy Maybe i'll do the Japanese Entertainment one. But my photoshop skill isn't the best. Maybe i'll jus keep it simple like Evo's
Yeah you should add more people into that logo because it would be more alluring. In addition, having a background colour would be nice. Just a suggestion.
I think the size that evo used is fine. I totally forgot about this. Im working on it now. What do you prefer on the Japanese Entertainment picture? Boys or girls? Or both..? (I'm guessing would be likely girl)
Heres a quick 10 minute cut and paste for Japanese Entertainment The Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese chat.. just use the flag of their country. ~~