Poster and Trailer of Jet Li's Movie 'War' Directed by Phillip G. Atwell, the movie 'War' (formerly Rogue) stars kung fu superstar Jet Li and British actor Jason Statham. Back in 2001, both of them starred in 'The One'. Not too long afterward, Statham’s star shot up in 'The Transporter', while Li's sunk a bit due to the substandard 'Cradle 2 the Grave'. Since then, Statham has become an even bigger action star while Li has redeemed himself by going back to China for 'Hero' and 'Fearless'. The supporting cast includes John Lone, Nadine Velazquez, Kane Kosugi, Asian supermodel Devon Aoki and Luis Guzman. The movie will be released on September 14, 2007. Trailer: [youtube]2PxzNBuuZYU[/youtube] Source: Asian Popcorn
oh wow! nice! but why does Jet Li has to be the bad guy >< sighs! i wanna see'me kick some Statham Butt lol!
the fighting should definitely be interesting to see....looks interesting and devon looks hot in the vid...way better than she did in 2 fast 2 furious