Power Rangers Movie 2016

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by crasianlee, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    First Look: ‘Power Rangers’ Cast Assembles
    Jacob Bryant
    Staff Writer@Jacobb41
    MARCH 3, 2016 | 11:08AM PT

    Finally, a first look at the teens who will be morphin’ into Power Rangers.

    The first official photo, courtesy of Entrainment Weekly, shows the five teenagers who will be battling alien life in the 2017 movie reboot “Power Rangers.” Singer Becky G, “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” star RJ Cyler, Naomi Scott, Ludi Lin and Dacre Montgomery will play Trini, Billy, Kimberly, Zack and Jason — the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers — respectively. The film, directed by Dean Israelite, will be modernized and is described as a coming-of-age story for these misfit high schoolers.

    Israelite told EW that the filmmakers wanted to keep the original show’s diversity while avoiding its race-based color assignments.

    “From the very beginning, diversity was a very important part of the whole process,” he said. “We switched all of the races around, but we made sure that the essence of each of those characters are who they were in the original show, and this really will be an origin story of those characters.”

    The five kids will be squaring off against Rita Repulsa, played by Elizabeth Banks. The film’s director spoke to her ability to channel the “insane” legacy of the original series’ first villain.

    “You should always be off-balance when you’re watching her,” Israelite said. “Is she insane? Is she totally calculated? Does she know what she’s doing? Elizabeth can toe that line really well.”
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  2. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    my last Power Ranger movie was when they had Ivan Ooz, and Kimberly was still the pink ranger :D
  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Same lol ~ I watched the other power ranger movie with all the 'red Rangers' coming together that was pretty cool.

    And then there was that 'new movie but fanmade' with James van der beek as a rogue power ranger ~ that was pretty good, kinda dark and gritty

    Hoping this new one won't be as cringey as the current series that's showing....:lol:
  4. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    Tommy was the guy, he was the leader and he got all the girls ;)...and who can beat the dragon flute
  5. they got a girl who looks like kimberly :blush:
  6. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    Lol I don't see a Trini look a like though ~ tragic when I heard she passed away and so young as well...=(

    The guy in the middle kinda reminds me of 'Eugene from buzzfeed'

    I know right, he was cool but a bit too much tats on his arms though for my liking lol~ he's kept his looks over the years in comparison to Jason ~ and he was in most of the other power ranger series (Y)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    Trini was my childhood crush, I too was sad when I heard she passed away :(