Source: Translation: stitchphil ( 周杰倫昨天在第一屆「華眾曲寵-2006TVBS華語金曲榜」,以傳媒最佳揭曉大獎、最佳男歌手等六項大獎成了本屆最大贏家,但一提及「逃 兵案」,他兩度以「屁」回應:「造謠的人喜歡在背後射箭,如果停下來,對方就會得逞,所以我不可能停下來, 而等我上山後,這些人也就像屁一樣,瞬間消失得無影無蹤。」說完,再接著引用一句模仿秀流行語「老師在講, 有沒有在聽」引爆全場哄笑。 At the first "Golden Melody Music Charts" 2006 TVBS Award Ceremony last night, Jay Chou was the big winner, bagging the 'Best Male Artist' Award along with 5 other awards. However, at the mention of "Evading service" from the press, he replied twice with "Pi", "The person who started this rumor is a back-stabber; he knows that if he stops, the opponent will win, so I will never give up. And when I reach the pinnacle, these people are just like nothing (literally translated, he actually meant these people are like fart), and they will vanish without a trace." On finishing that, he jokingly added, "The teacher is speaking, is everyone listening?" creating an enormous laughter from the audience. 一連幾天,周杰倫都未親口澄清「被列逃兵案」的疑慮,昨他手拿大獎,臉上蓄著山羊鬍笑說:「驗退的事出道前 就談過,事實很清楚,我之前就罹患僵直性脊椎炎。」 For the last few days, Jay as not personally clarified on the issue of him evading service, with 6 awards in the bag last night, he smiled and said, "This issue has already been made clear when I first debut, everything is clear, I have been suffering from this condition (even before I have to serve)." 周董解釋自己的病痛,非外人所能理解,但若要直接與外人分享,他又覺得怪怪的,「我實在不想講太多,但也好 ,這件事正好可以讓沒有得過此病的人徹底明白。」這幾年,透過藥物克制,他坦言發作周期減緩許多,他說:「 算了,有些事情,即使後來獲得證實,但都不見得有人替我澄清,但我不會平反,這些隨便瞎起鬨的人,就像有人 在電梯裡放屁,一下子就不見了。」同時他也透露,未來不排除配合公司一起出庭應訊。 Pres Chou explained that his illness is something that outsiders will never be able to understand. But when asked whether he is willing to share with everyone, he felt that it will be inappropriate. "I really don't want to say too much, but since things are already at this stage, it may let those who haven't suffered from this condition finally understand what it feels like." Over the last few years, through the medication, he admitted that the attacks have been less frequent, "Forget it; there are some things (rumours) that even after being clarified, I don't see people speaking up for me. But I will not retaliate, the people who create such rumours, are like those who fart in lifts, they'll be gone after a while." At the same time, he has also said that he will not arrange with the record company to appear in court in the future. 昨Jolin榮獲最佳女歌手等四個幾項,有關周董與她的緋聞再度成為焦點。據悉,Jolin昨一開始都待在 後台與小豬嬉鬧,至於周董則一人躲在個人休息室,直到他獲頒最佳MV獎,並在後台致詞結束,兩人總算巧遇, 周董還俏皮對著鏡頭說:「她在那喔!」不過輪到Jolin 受訪時,被問到有關周董問題,她卻說:「目前為止都還沒見到他。」對於周董病況,Jolin避重就輕說:「 有聽說,但我覺得他挺好強的,如果有痛,他應該也不會說。」 Last night, Jolin received the award for the Best Female Artist along with four other awards. The issue regarding Pres Chou and herself once again became the focal point. Jolin was reportedly joking around with Xiao Zhu at backstage last night. As for Jay, he was cropped up in his personal dressing room all along, before reappearing backstage when he received the award for the Best Music Video for his interview. The two of them (Double J) were in the same area, Pres Chou jokingly said to the camera, "She is over there oh!" However, when it was Jolin's turn to be interviewed, when asked about Pres Chou, she said, "I have yet to see him till now." As to Jay's illness, Jolin simply replied, "I've heard about it, but I feel with his strong character, even if he is in pain, he will not tell others."