Priscilla Chan Scolded By Fans For Lack Of New Songs

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Phoenix, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*


    Singer Priscilla Chan (陳慧嫻) attended the radio station yesterday to report the high number of priority tickets already sold for her upcoming concert next year has already reached over 7 figures and that the results were quite pleasing.

    Priscilla mentioned that she will have a new CD album releasing soon which consists of song covers, her friends praised her for successfully 'evolving' herself. However Priscilla admits that she has been scolded by her fans for not producing any new songs lately.

    "The fans will give opinions, including telling me off, but they are just anxious and do care about the music. Over the recent years I have been collecting material but I haven't found the right preference yet so I'm just waiting for the right timing before it all comes together."


    Cred: oncc
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