what kinda games are you into... I think there was another thread on this... the psp's pretty fun if youre into homebrew... watch movies on a sleek screen.. dont really follow the DS scene.. so dunno what it has to offer...
i have both and i can tell you that even thought the PSP is more stylish, i left it on the shelve for almost a year, whereas the DS, i play with it once a week. Graphically, PSP rule, but DS has the fun factor to it. Lot more innovative games with the touchscreen. I would go for the DS => cheaper and more fun
yea.. thas what I woulda said bout DS... PSP got the better graphics... I personally like games like Megaman, Ridge Racer, Those music games, Tekken... and the new Metal gear solid game and GTA Vice City stories.... lol like i said.. all depends on the types of games you like playing... you should check out gamespot and see what's out there... DS is a lot cheaper with innovative games.. but PSP.. got the style... then there's also the adult games... ahahahah not that I have any tho... -lol
by NDS lite its more funny games and its more cheaper than the psp. In austria one psp game cost 50 Euro its 500 HK dollar so its very expensive.In HK a psp game 200-350HK dollar.
but the psp have more function: watch movie, listened to music, surf the web, watch photos and play games
dude why did you type hella posts... there's the edit button.. of course psp better it terms of an all around gadget... if you have enuff... jus get it... but you will need to invest in stuff like screen protector, case, memory card...
the games for the psp do seem a lot better. but ds is a lot more fun and you get to do multiplayer via the web. allsoo.... there are new pokemon games coming out for it! i was addicted to the original all those years ago... *ashamed*
psp got much better graphics than ds but ds is a lot more fun playing against other ppl such as mario cart,
if u cant decide and we're not helping, just go with ur guts. i would consider psp if ur like a stylist's person but if ur just a gamer then i definitely reccommended u to buy DS.
I was a Sony follower during their PlayStation reign, but in this new generation I am all for Nintendo. Their show at E3 pretty much summed it up: other companies are just upping the ante of what we've all seen, whereas Nintendo have decided to go completely different and be innovative. Sony possesses the greater technological power and multimedia, but Nintendo are being creative and doing something new and original. Hence I chose the DS over the PSP, because of its unique interactive features like touch screen and microphone (how many consoles incorporate blowing air as part of the gameplay?). I also think Nintendo games are more suited to portability due to their pick-up-and-play nature, compared to PSP games which mimic the more complex console versions.