PSP Slim & Lite vs PSP 3000

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by bbgirlsum, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Considering I have changed my mind that instead of getting NDSi... I'm thinking of getting a PSP..

    but i just looked around on the internet for prices and i keep seeing PSP Slim & Lite and PSP 3000... and htat they were different prices.. However i don't really catch up with news about sony products so what are the differences? Of fourse PSP 3000 should be newer but will the functions be all the same? as im kind of on a budget ish...:jump:
  2. If you have a DS dont bother with the dsi, if you dont have one then get one, or just get a slim or w/e, depends on if you want the gimmick 'camera'.
  3. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    lol my DS is broken but the other day that i said id play mario kart was on my sis DS but realised my home router does not allow wi fi or something.. coz my parents changed the router and stuf like that whilst i was away in uni :(
  4. do you have wireless at home? if you do then you have wifi but your using WAP which doesnt work on DS you need to set it to WEP like xdly did, its easy to do. if you dont have wireless then you need to buy a wifi stick (dont confuse it with an usb access point or memory stick :p)

    but im not sure if the Dsi is a novelty or if it worth getting over a slim. i got an original big grey one which suits my hands as i got more to hold on to, my sis has the slim but i prefer my original.
  5. SeX1eStAsaBa

    SeX1eStAsaBa Well-Known Member

    PSP 3000 is not hackable.....yet. If you really want to get a PSP, then get a slim. I lover mines everyday.
  6. dakey

    dakey New Member

    Neither is the PSP Slim, most new PSP even 2000 models are not hackable, yet.
  7. mln85

    mln85 Member

    If you want a PSP and on a budget get the original fat one. Main difference between the fat one and slim is weight. The 3000 is lighter and has a PS button instead of Home (does the same thing, they just made it look different). The one main improvement besides the weight is that with the 2000 and 3000 series you can buy a video cable to output onto the TV.

    If you are looking for hacking the PSP, avoid the 3000. The 2000 and 1000 are the only one's currently hackable. The 2000 model is hackable. I hacked mine and 6 other peoples.
  8. heard a newer model is gonna come out soon..
  9. redken81

    redken81 Member

    I would suggest the Nintendo. PSP2000 series is way overpriced right now.
  10. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    yea same i heard a new psp model is coming out but then again having seen rumoured pics, it seems to do the same job and just looks worse well in my opinion anyway. personally all the psp systems do the same function and play the same games, if i were u i would get the cheapest one.
  11. ipepsi

    ipepsi Well-Known Member

    it is hackable. i need the pandora battery!!! for cheap. does anyone still have the link??
  12. VDaP

    VDaP Member

  13. ipepsi

    ipepsi Well-Known Member

    ahh dam i just order from them as well. i hope they don't take their sweet time. although its coming from hong kong.
  14. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

  15. hmm...hello everyone, this is my first post. the real big difference between the slim and lite to the 3000 model is the anti-glare screen that the 3000 model has which will be perfect for playing in a bright area like outdoors in the sun
  16. ipepsi

    ipepsi Well-Known Member

    can u hack the 2000 without the pandora battery?? ^.^
  17. kimi989

    kimi989 Member

    I've got a psp2000 and it works great. i would wait to see what else comes out in the near future before deciding to plop down money for older technology such as the psp2000 though.

    forget the pspgo that is coming out since it doesn't even address the issues and does not have the features that the customers really want.