I apologize in advance if this is not the right place to post that, and I apologize if this question has been asked too many times before: When I watch a film with an added subtitle (.srt file), I find that the film tends to slow down a little and at times gets jerky. It seems to only happen when I watch a film with the subtitles added with a separate file. Is it only me who gets this? Is it dependent on the film? Is there anything I can do to change it? Thanks in advance!
2 ways you can go about this: - 1st option you can try the k-lite mega codec pack it contains everything you need like vobsub which displays the subs in windows media player plus all available audio and video codecs as since ur video is jerky it might be the problem of your codecs being out of date Note: for srt files to be display make sure the name of the srt file is the same as the name of the video file but with added .srt, for example: video file name: movie srt file name: movie.srt - 2nd option is to play it with VLC Media player, you dont need codecs with this player and plays every extension except rmvb files. Turn on the subs video category (it the category with options such as video track, full screen, zoom, deinterlace, etc) on the main menu, if none are there the subs were not auto detected so you need to click on preferences and browse for the subs yourself, see below: then go to the video category on the main menu and turn the subs on. Note: remember to go back to preferences and take away the srt file otherwse the next time you start up a different movie the subs will appear again for that movie =============================================== If on the other hand its a SUB file, u can follow the 1st option and get the k-lite mega codec pack which has vobsub and then you can just play with windows media player (vobsub appears as a green icon in the task bar), if u downloaded the torrents in our movie section, remember to extract the SUB file is its compressed, i included a screenshot below to clear things up a bit or just follow the 2nd option, remember to browse for the subs yourself in preferences if the SUB file wasnt detected
I never get slowdown while watching movies with subtitles, maybe there is a problem with your computer try closing other problems while you watch a movie.