Hi, Has anyone use dban before? and how is it? I'm planning to format my primary hard drive "c drive" Not sure if dban can do the job. If anyone know any other good formatting software please let me know BTW, is it possible to connect my primary hard drive "c drive" with os on it to another computer to format it? Thank you
Is there a particular reason why you want to format the HDD? What OS are you using? You can put the HDD in a cradle and connect it to another PC to format, but why? Haven't used dban yet but any format options which comes with the OS normally does the job just fine unless you want it to be zeroed.
Well, since you still keep your own drive, then just connect your new SSD, install Win7. Then connect your second drive to the system and format it with Win7 which should run from the SSD by then. I assume you know how to format in Win7? Oh, and do not forget to backup files you want to keep on the new system.
Yes, enabling AHCI will help the performance. It is best to do it before installing the OS but if you forgot, you can still change it in the registry.
Why use dban? It has multiple of wipe that you can choose from. Usually, when I'm selling / donating my computer, that's when I use dban to wipe the HD. Otherwise, I don't understand the need for it.