awwww omg thankx for posting that .. that really made my day .. aww raymond and linda on the phone together and that was liek really cute .. awww they should really be together aww ..... my opinion on linda has now changed ..... she is attully a really nice person ..awww... i actually got a little tear in my eye from that ..... awww soooooo cuuutttteeee
Don't want to spoil people that haven't watch yet. Spoiler 17 18 19 of september? wow she must be very busy. That is like 10 days later from today. But Raymond wasn't a good pranker he laugh.
That was funny, Linda is such a cheerful lady, you're get your turn soon Raymond, Linda is just setting you up.
Linda's voice sound so cute and sweet!! I kinda felt like the grandma is forcing her to eat wit her when she said "then come eat wit me."