Rate or Hate Thread

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by mint_T, Aug 10, 2006.

  1. mint_T

    mint_T Well-Known Member

    Rules are simple... you either rate the below items/subjects from a 1-10 scale if you like it, or place "hate" next to it if you do not like it at all. You ALSO have to explain the reasoning for why you gave it that score. It doesn't have to be long, but it has to be more than 2 words and nothing like "it's stupid/dumb/" or anything like that.

    Basically this game shares the same purpose of the "Questions Game" - which is for us to get to know each other better. :)

    RATE OR HATE the following:

    KFC - 10/10 I <3 chicken
    Science - 5/5 Not my best subject
    I-pods - 8/10 Battery life sucks but I still love it :p
    Harry Potter Books - 7/10 They're interesting to read
    Jackie Chan - 9/10 I think he's funny :D
    RPGs - 2/10 I don't play much
    Badminton - 10/10 My favorite sport!
    Horror Movies - 9/10 Fun when I have someone to watch with
    School - 3/10 Too tiring and tedious >.<
    Bubble Tea - 6/10 Kinda bored of drinking them now
    Anime - 5/10 Only watch them when I'm really bored
    Dim Sum - 9/10 Too greasy sometimes but tasty nonetheless
    Japanese Movies - 10/10 Most are enjoyable
    Edison Chen - 7/10 Decent looks but not a great singer/actor
    Studying - HATE
    Milk - HATE
    Playstation - 2/10 Don't play videogames much
    Sushi - 5/10 Depends on which place
    Myspace - 6/10 Fun to look at other people's pages but too lazy to update my own -blush
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - 1/10 They annoy me
    Reality Shows - 5/10 Most are boring
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 10/10 One of my favorite movies!
    Lobster - 4/10 They're okay once in a while
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 6/10 I prefer modern :D
    Modern TVB Dramas - 9/10 Interesting and fun to watch esp. the comedy ones
    Heavy Metal Music - 3/10 Gives me a headache
    Chocolate - 7/10 A little is ok, too much and I get sick
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 5/10 I only like their frys
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    KFC - 8/10 2 deduction for kfcruelty
    Science - HATE
    I-pods - 7/10 3 gone for me battery failure
    Harry Potter Books - HATE y read when u can watch? i didn't get pass the first few pages when i was reading when i was young
    Jackie Chan - 10/10 this guy is the best
    RPGs - 6/10 not really into it but its still cool
    Badminton - 10/10 i love badminton
    Horror Movies - 8/10 depends wat kinda horror ones
    School - 7/10 no comment
    Bubble Tea - 10/10 nothing is better than bubble tea.well i like bbt
    Anime - 7/10 i only watch chiense ones or prince of tennis
    Dim Sum - 10/10 fun morning to spend time with friends
    Japanese Movies - dont no anything about jap movies
    Edison Chen - HATE
    Studying - HATE
    Milk - 10/10 milk gives u calcium
    Playstation - 10/10 owned all the playstation console there is
    Sushi - HATE
    Myspace - 8/10 i look at people's pages once in a while especially hot celebs ;)
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - HATE
    Reality Shows - 9/10 it's entertaining
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 10/10 funny film!
    Lobster - 41/10 i love seafood well most of the seafood
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 1/10 i only like a few series..i hate watching it unless its reallly really good
    Modern TVB Dramas - 10\10 this is better than ancient ones
    Heavy Metal Music - HATE
    Chocolate - 10/10 mmm chocolate
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 7/10 its ok once in a while
  3. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    KFC - 9/10 I love it even though it's bad for your health
    Science - 9/10 One of my favorite subjects
    I-pods - Grossly overrated, but I still love mine :D
    Harry Potter Books - 6/10 Would be higher if it weren't for the 5th book
    Jackie Chan - 7/10 I prefer his older movies
    RPGs - 9/10 I love playing these games, especially the wuxia ones :p
    Badminton - 10/10 My favorite sport!!!
    Horror Movies - 9/10 I prefer the Asian ones...
    School - 6/10 It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be
    Bubble Tea - 10/10 I would give up an arm for one right now :(
    Anime - 7/10 Depends on which kind
    Dim Sum - 7/10 Used to love it, but now I'm kinda sick of it
    Japanese Movies - 4/10 Some are okay
    Edison Chen - 3/10 Overall, all looks no talent
    Studying - HATE!!! I usually try to avoid studying for tests, but alas, when things become more difficult, it's no longer possible...
    Milk - 7/10 It tasted better when I was a kid...
    Playstation - 8/10 Why not, it's fun
    Sushi - 8/10 Tasty, unfortunately too expensive
    Myspace - 6/10 Way too overhyped
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - 1/10 Shows they don't know proper English...
    Reality Shows - 7/10 Some are better than others
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 10/10 I liked both 1 & 2!
    Lobster - 10/10 I love lobster!!!
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 7/10 I prefer this over modern, but TVB series nowadays suck altogether
    Modern TVB Dramas - 6/10 ^
    Chocolate - 8/10 Can be addicting...
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 5/10 I prefer other fastfood places
  4. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    KFC - 8/10 very unhealthy but nice once in a while
    Science - 2/10 dont like it at all
    IPods - 7/10 really want one but a little old now as i dont wanna jump on the band wagon
    Harry Potter Books - 2/10 dont like the stories.. so over-rated
    Jackie Chan - 7/10 points for his old movies but i admit i do like 'the new police story'
    Badminton - 7/10 its okay
    Horror Movies - 8/10 really like them if they're really scary
    School - 7/10 i didnt mind it
    Bubble Tea - 10/10 love it to bits could do with one now... anyone offering :p
    Anime - 7/10 love it if it has good storyline
    Dim Sum - 9/10 love it to bits
    Japanese Movies - 8/10 love them as they tend to make some great horror movies
    Edison Chen - 3/10 okay, nothing special
    Studying - 0/10 hate it as it takes me ages to concentrate
    Milk - 5/10 as i like chocolate flavoured milk and love cereal milk so in the middle
    Playstation - 8/10 love it but dont really have time to play it these days :)
    Sushi - 10/10 i love it to bits could do with some now along with my glass of bubble tea **drools**
    Myspace - 1/10 cant see whats soo great about it
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DIS - 1/10 cant stand it.. i mean i dont mind it, its just the idea of some letters in capitals it like whats the point??
    Reality Shows - 3/10 cant stand them.. i think some of them are really fake
    Shrek - 10/10 i love this movie and the soundtracks that go with them are fantastic
    Lobster - 10/10 love it
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 8/10 i really like some of them as the love stories are like much more simplier compared to moderen days hee hee
    Modern TVB Dramas - 8/10 i like this too as it highlights todays news sometimes and have some really comical lines
    Chocolate - 7/10 can live with or without not that bothered about it
    McDonalds - 5/10 its okay but dont have it often as its very very unhealthy

    aww man that takes ages could do with like a template to save typing it in and having to bold each one.. nevermind ive done it now
  5. fruity dofu

    fruity dofu Well-Known Member

    KFC - 8/10 kinda oily and you will get sicked of it if you eat it a lot.
    Science - 3/5 kinda suck at it..almost flunk a science class while i was in 10th grade.-__-
    I-pods - 10/10 dont have to burn songs in cd..save a lot of time..
    Harry Potter Books - 1/10 never even read it before..lol
    Jackie Chan - 6/10 last time i saw him was in rush hour 2.. still prefer him in more chinese movies..but still not a big fan of him..
    RPGs - 2/10 havent play it for ages..last time i played was when final fantasy 9 came out?
    Badminton - 10/10 my all time favortie sport..screw basketball and baseball!lol
    Horror Movies - 5/10 depends if it is interesting..but i still perfer to watch romantic comedy..hehe
    School - HATE
    Bubble Tea - 8/10 so many flavors ..some are nasty..but they are okay!thinking about surf city noe..lol..@_@
    Anime - 1/10 never watch it ofen in my life..does sailor moon count? o_O I watch it like almost 10 years ago..
    Dim Sum - 9/10 Mmm..been craving for some sui mai and hai cherng..lol..but yeah..kinda oily and fat..
    Japanese Movies - 3/10 never watch much of it..but kdrama series sure is good!
    Edison Chen - 2/10 never really a big fan of him..but i do like his song call hong kong ground and war!
    Studying - HATE
    Milk - 5/10 only like it with cerals and cookies and cakes..X)~
    Playstation - 2/10 havent play it for ages..lost interest..
    Sushi - 9/10 depends who make it and what ingredient they put..i especially hate the raw kind..ekk!
    Myspace - 5/10 dont really check it often..only check it when im bored to death..
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - 1/10 kinda hard to read it sometimes...
    Reality Shows - 5/10 some are good(dancing with the stars, fear factor) and some are bad..
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 7/10 It is pretty good...but it is still not my best..=/
    Lobster - 1/10 never like seafoods..>__<
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 10/10 depends on the storyline and genre..like square peg is good!
    Modern TVB Dramas - 10/10 also depends on the storyline and the genre..but ususally i would prefer some comedy in it..XD
    Heavy Metal Music - 1/10 oh please get that outta my ear!!
    Chocolate - 7/10 some are nasty, too sweet..and i especially hate DARK chocolate..so bitter...yuck!
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it -9/10 like their mcflurry,yogurt ice cream, and fries..their salads suck tho..but still..i guess it is bad for health..=/
  6. KFC - 8/10 Dryyyyyyyyyy
    Science - Erm...8/10!! Hehehe!! :D
    I-pods - 9/10 Lub my ipod!!
    Harry Potter Books - 5/10 they suck!! :p
    Jackie Chan -10/10!! He's the best!!
    RPGs - 0 -Dun play at all :p
    Badminton - 10/10 Fun!!
    Horror Movies - 9/10 Hehehe!! Its funny watchin with someone!! ^^
    School - 5/10 Have bad days and good...
    Bubble Tea - 5/5
    Anime - 10/10 Love anime!! :D
    Dim Sum - 9/10 *DrooLs*
    Japanese Movies - 0 LoL!! -lol Dun watch them :p
    Edison Chen - 5/10 Hes okies...
    Studying - 0 Hate it!!
    Milk - 5/10 Depends....LoL
    Playstation - 5/10 Dun really play :p
    Sushi - 10/10!! Yum!!
    Myspace - 5/10
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - 5/10 Sometimes its okies but can get annoyin:p
    Reality Shows - 5/10 Depends what it is:p
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 8/10
    Lobster - 6/10
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 9/10
    Modern TVB Dramas - 8/10
    Heavy Metal Music - 0 Hate it!! Arghhh!!
    Chocolate - 6/10 Feel sick after too much!! LoL
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 7/10 Yum!!
  7. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    KFC - 10/10 Best fast food
    Science - 9/10 Better than religion =P
    I-pods - 1/10 I don't listen to music
    Harry Potter Books - 1/10 Why read when there are movies?!?
    Jackie Chan - 5/10 He's a guy and not even an attractive one
    RPGs - 10/10 The only games better are MMORPGs
    Badminton - 9/10 Can't find a decent challenger
    Horror Movies - 8/10 It's impossible to find a decent one
    School - 9/10 Where there are chicks, there is me =P
    Bubble Tea - 1/10 I feel sick everytime I drink it...which is once a week.
    Anime - 9/10 So creative and so funny
    Dim Sum - 7/10 Sick of that crap
    Japanese Movies - 7/10 The few I saw were decent
    Edison Chen - 5/10 Looks like a punk
    Studying - 8/10 Always an excuse for a study date
    Milk - 1/10 Lactose intolerant
    Playstation - 8/10 no complaints here
    Sushi - 8/10 Doesn't beat a nice juicy steak
    Myspace - 8/10 Looks decent
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - 1/10 I hate reading and this makes it even slower
    Reality Shows - 5/10 Only if its xrated...lol
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 10/10 I liked both 1 & 2!
    Lobster - 8/10 I'd rather have a steak anyday
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 9/10 Hard to find good ones these days
    Modern TVB Dramas - 3/10 I don't have that much time to waste
    Chocolate - 9/10 I only eat swiss chocolate
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 5/10 No more McDeal meals =(
  8. don

    don ello

    KFC - 8/10 not that healthy but pretty good
    Science - 7/10 depends if i like the teacher or not lol
    I-pods - 10/10 It's the best! my green mini :D
    Harry Potter Books - 5/10 don't like it
    Jackie Chan -10/10 he's the best!
    RPGs - 6/10 not bad but i like others
    Badminton - 10/10 one of the best sports :D
    Horror Movies - 9/10 once in a while, it's good
    School - 7/10 don't like don't hate
    Bubble Tea - 10/10 good drink!
    Anime - 10/10 they are great
    Dim Sum - 10/10 i love it!
    Japanese Movies - 0 too lazy to read subs
    Edison Chen - HATE! he's gay lol
    Studying - HATE! who likes it?
    Milk - 9/10 it's healthy
    Playstation - 10/10 i have both ps and ps2 gonna get ps3;)
    Sushi - 10/10 omg it's soo good!
    Myspace - 0/10 never used it be4
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - 5/10 a bit annoying
    Reality Shows - 9/10 entertaining
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 9/10 love it
    Lobster - 8/10 it's good
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 7/10 perfer modern
    Modern TVB Dramas - 9/10 like it
    Heavy Metal Music - Hate it!!
    Chocolate - 5/10 not too good but some are ok
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 8/10 once in a while
  9. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member

    KFC - 3/10 Popeyes 4life
    Science - 10/10 Very interesting
    I-pods - 3/10 I prefer mah sound system
    Harry Potter Books - 0/10 nuff said
    Jackie Chan - 10/10 cool actor awesome martial artist
    RPGs - 0/10 what is this rpg you speak of?
    Badminton - 0/10 who?
    Horror Movies - 10/10 Get's the blood pumpin
    School - 8/10 cool/laid back
    Bubble Tea - 4/10 eh
    Anime - 5/10 Some are ok
    Dim Sum - 8/10 yummy
    Japanese Movies - undecided
    Edison Chen - 0/10
    Studying - depends
    Milk - chocolate milk? <3
    Playstation - Gave it all away
    Sushi - 4/10
    Myspace - 0/10
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - 10/10 tH3Y @|2e T3H c00|!!1
    Reality Shows - 0/10 why?
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 0/10
    Lobster - 8/10 luv em
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 0/10
    Modern TVB Dramas - 0/10
    Heavy Metal Music - 0/10
    Chocolate - depends
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 4/10 I like the fries
  10. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    KFC - 6/10 I think its too dry
    Science -8/10 Cool Subject, owns math
    I-pods - 5/10 Over rated
    Harry Potter Books - 0/10 never really read one, because its too long :D
    Jackie Chan - 9/10 old school! does his own stunts
    RPGs - 7/10 Play it once, then it gets boring
    Badminton - 9/10 Pure Asian Sport, I own
    Horror Movies - 9/10 *Screams*
    School - 6/10 its cool the first or second month
    Bubble Tea - 10/10 AMAZING!
    Anime - 6/10 Only Naruto, the rest is pretty much garbage
    Dim Sum - 9/10 depends on how its made?
    Japanese Movies 5/10 what does that mean?
    Edison Chen - 5/10 Another over rated dude
    Studying - 0/10 if my life depended on it?
    Milk - 4/10 i dont like, and i dont know why
    Playstation - 6/10 its old now
    Sushi - 4/10 raw stuff?
    Myspace - 1/10 boring..
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - i d0n'T r3aLli C@r3
    Reality Shows - 5/10 and your point is?
    Shrek (the animated movie) - never saw it -tongue2
    Lobster - 10/10 with cheese
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 10/10 they rock, crazy special effects
    Modern TVB Dramas - 8/10 same old stuff?
    Heavy Metal Music - 0/10 bleh, punk stuff
    Chocolate 7/10 perfer something fruity
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 7/10 fast food is getting old
  11. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    KFC - 8/10 i haven't really had much from there, but its pretty yum
    Science - 5/10 i suck at it.. chem's pretty okay though
    I-pods - 7/10 i guess i wouldn't mind the Video, but meh iriver's better!!!
    Harry Potter Books - 9/10 haven't read past the 4th book
    Jackie Chan - 6/10 meh just cool that he does his own stunts
    RPGs - i'm sorry, but what's that?
    Badminton - 8/10 pretty awesome, but gets boring after a while
    Horror Movies - 2/10 i get scared super easily. =(
    School - 9/10 my school doesn't suck.. plus i see everyone which is pretty good
    Bubble Tea - 9/10 YUMMY!!
    Anime - 6/10 i only like Sailor Moon =]
    Dim Sum - 9/10 yum! but yeah pretty greasy
    Japanese Movies - i haven't wtached any ><
    Edison Chen - 6/10 pretty good looking, but i just don't like his attitude towards things
    Studying - HATE
    Milk - 9/10 i love milk + nutella
    Playstation - 8/10 that's the only game system i have right now haha
    Sushi - 9/10 i love sushi rolls =D
    Myspace - i don't use it, nor do i know many ppl who have one
    PpL hOo tYpE lyKe DiS - HATE
    Reality Shows - 8/10 i like So You Think You Can Dance, 8th & Ocean, and The Hills
    Shrek (the animated movie) - 9/10 very very well written
    Lobster - 3/10 i like it, but i've become allergic to shellfish. =(
    Ancient TVB Dramas - 4/10 i don't like ancient shows
    Modern TVB Dramas - 8/10 i only watch a couple and they seem pretty okay
    Heavy Metal Music - 1/10 i don't like screamo, and it makes my head hurt
    Chocolate - 10/10 the best thing ever made =D
    McDonalds/Maccas/MickieDees/WTV you call it - 6/10 i like their hash browns. =P