Raymond Lam Holds First "Heart Attack LF in Hong Kong" Concert

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Raymond Lam’s (林峯) Heart Attack LF Live in HK concert tour has officially made its debut into the Hong Kong Coliseum on the evening of Friday, April 29. Performing to a full house, 12,000 fans cheered for Raymond when he appeared on stage in a glass coffin.

    Numerous friends from the industry came to support Raymond at his concert, including his EEG label mates Ken Hung (洪卓立), Vincy Chan (泳兒), Lillian Chan (陳凱彤), and manager Mani Fok (霍汶希). EEG executives Albert Yeung (楊受成) and Ng Yu (吳雨) also came to support. Raymond’s younger cousin Rosina Lam (林夏薇) and girlfriend Karena Ng (吳千語) sat in the front row.

    Raymond ascended to the stage “asleep” in a glass coffin. He wore a long red coat and had on red eyes, similar to a vampire. When he awoke, he jumped to the next stage to perform his first song of the night, “Heart Attack.”

    Although Raymond dropped over 20 pounds for the concert and had put on some muscle, he remained fully dressed for most of his numbers. While performing “Broken”, Raymond injured his hand—which continued to bleed as he performed the next few tracks.

    After performing two hot dance singles, Raymond calmed his fans with a love ballad “Love is Not Enough” <愛不疚>. Sticking with the vampiric, supernatural theme, Raymond sang the song while being attacked by various monsters on stage. When he finally set himself free, he walked toward the audience—and reports say he walked directly toward Karena.

    Raymond went back to performing a fast track, “Vampire”, for his fourth song. Though his hand was still bleeding, Raymond stayed incredibly professional and did not let his minor injury affect his performance.

    The Heart Attack LF in HK concert will have its second show on April 30, and its last show on May 1.

    Creds: Oriental Daily
  2. wingwing

    wingwing Member

    I rather go see Leon Lai then Raymond Lam concert!
  3. KeNNy

    KeNNy Well-Known Member

    Yea you'll get a good nap at Leon concert LOL!
    Raymond concert probably not appealing to me but at least it has some energy.
  4. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    LOL surrounded by people and other artists who can‘t sing either.

    LOL at stealing AoAs heart attack and stealing TVBs vampire theme.
  5. wingwing

    wingwing Member

    what energy do you want? get naked? lol I am very concern with you health being!
  6. KeNNy

    KeNNy Well-Known Member

    energy from fast pace music
  7. wingwing

    wingwing Member

    ok, then the difference is you like seeing singer dance more then their song! And its fine if they cannot sing! Fair enough!