Raymond Lam, King of "Chok" and Retakes? Filming the Finale Scene for "Fight Crime"

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, May 5, 2012.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Raymond Lam (林峯), Kate Tsui (徐子珊), Ella Koon (官恩娜) , Michael Miu (苗僑偉), and Vincent Lam (林偉) finished filming the finale scene for TVB series, Fight Crime <雷霆扫毒>. Kate Tsui whose role was a police informer was abducted. Uncovering her location, Raymond arrived on the scene with his team to save Kate. The attempt to rescue Kate Tsui, started an intense shootout. Apart from being rumored to often arriving late on set, Raymond was also accused of wasting his costars’ time because of his numerous outtakes!

    The producers booked a store in Nam Sang Wai in the Yuen Long area to film the intense gunfire scene. Eventhough a considerable crowd of locals gathered to observe the shooting, they eventually grew bored with the repeated outtakes and sluggish filming process. The crowd gradually left, even the star-studded cast on set wasn't enough to keep the interest of the locals.

    Apart from the bored crowd, various Fight Crime cast members sighed as they realized it will be a long night of filming ahead, as Raymond had countless outtakes. Michael Miu sat down and ended up chatting on his cell phone to pass time. While Ella Koon's cheerful face gradually turned to a tired look as the night went by. To get over her boredom, Kate Tsui chatted with the production crew.

    Between retakes, Raymond frequently combed his hair. This became an obvious contrast to his “rough cop” portrayal in Fight Crime. Raymond was repeatedly teased for looking chok while handling a gun in the police rescue scene.

    Following the completion of the filming for Fight Crime, Raymond’s up coming project will be a movie titled Men Are Like Clothes <男人如衣服>, with co-stars Lynn Hung (熊黛林) and Ronald Cheng (鄭中基). Raymond and Lynn will be a couple in the movie.

    Creds: ihktv
  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Haha Michael Miu is such a joker. Surprised they didn't complain. It is obvious that they were pissed off though but didn't want to express it. Seems like an interesting drama though. Judging from this outtakes, I would expect it to be worse in that movie Men Are Like Clothes!
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I dont think they should complain. Will just make an awkward set afterwards.
  4. gogogo2000

    gogogo2000 Well-Known Member

    awww poor raymond he needs to rest and tvb should show his series three kindgoms instead of moving it back, looks like a great series raymond so different from his normal roles
  5. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    so unreal....raymond never had this problem from what i remember....
  6. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    Raymond Lam is a joke, I don't understand why they decided to have him portray a rough cop. He should stick to his "innocent, rich boy" image
  7. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    What they want from him. His is tired and injured. Even he comb his hair he still look rough with his tired and skinny face,
  8. litohmoo

    litohmoo Member

    I agree! or a smart guy ... but a rough cop is a bit not his style
  9. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    pretty ignorant to critique now considering that the drama isnt even out yet....