What are some of the reasons why you broke up with your past bf/gf? Why do you think people choose more often to breakup rather then to work things out? I broke up with my last bf because I felt that we were drifting apart from each other... I chose not to work things out because well... when the feelings are gone, there really isn't much either of us can do about it. =/ I'd rather break it off asap then to hang onto the relationship and waste time.
Break up because the couple aren't doing the right things to keep each other interested. Interest drops in all couples, but when the relationship turns routine and no longer fun (since neither is trying), back to single land! It's hard to recover a relationship once there's barely any interest left. If you lose even that little bit of edge, it really is just friend stage and it can never be what it use to be, so accept it and move on.
This is the generic answer that I tell others... I broke up with my boyfriend because he didn't buy me a birthday present. I suppose I'm different from most others, but when I'm asked for reasons as to why I broke up with my previous BFs, I'd rather give some lame excuse that makes me look bad than make the entire relationship look bad. When you're with somebody for a prolonged period of time, there are really some differences that can't be worked out. Anyway, I've broken up with people because I simply got bored, because he cheated, because I didn't have time to commit to a relationship, etc. Oh, and to wondergirl... it's good that you broke it off as soon you realized you no longer had the same feelings for him. If you don't want to be with someone anymore, you should always let them know as soon as possible so that you're not wasting time. I'm sure he appreciated your being frank... if not now, then some time in the future. Don't ever hold onto a relationship because of the memories.
breaking up is just easier than working things out by working things out, one person or even both have to admit they're wrong and that's completely against human nature just my 2 centos
i guy once said it's because he wanted to concentrate on his studies overseas. then i found out about 2 months later he has a new gf. liar
almost boyfriends lie !!! so break with him if u see that he is not deserving ur love or ur interesseted!!!
what's if u don't have boyfriend!!! u will be loser or if u don't havev girlfriend u will be loser!!! nooooooo that's not coreect u can live ur life as u want , no questions no jolousy just be free!!! haha it's a good life !! till u meet the right person to share with him ur real life!!!!!
well i break up if i don't have the same kind of feeling as i had at the start or if she's cheating on me or doing anything bad.