Best laptop for around that price point, £600 is the highest i want to go for a laptop, its just to save me from having to sit in front of my PC when i dont want to. you may have to fiddle with the currency if your in the states etc. Ive got my eye on this Any better?
What are you planning to do with this laptop? If it's for class, forget about it. With that size screen, you really aren't going to get much battery life out of it.
It seems fairly stupid to shell out money so you don't have to sit in front of your desktop, especially when it sounds like you're using it at home.
Fortunately its not you buying it then.. thanks though..if you do come up with a good laptop please let me know tyty got a desktop, everyone in my house has their own desktop, im actually the only one in the family who hasn't got a laptop too lol. I dont want an apple, nooo apples plz, cant stand apple, my dad went and bought an Ipad... not impressed at all... normal laptop with minimum 16" wide screen is what im looking for, if it was an apple then i would end up with a tiny screen with my proposed price range.