About a year ago, I asked this girl out before and she said that she wasn't ready I've had a couple of relationships since then, but I'm single again now, and she's single too... or rather still single. I've kept my eye on her. Should I ask her out again?
OK, sorry to be negative but unless you are really sure things has changed since she said no then don't bother. Telling a girl you like her when she doesn't like you is bad and if that happens then she will never like you again in the future. If you like a girl and are not sure if she likes you back, try show her that you are not that interested in her and don't be too nice or friendly - thats wat I have learnt. If you are too nice or friendly, then you fall in the friend zone. If you tell her you like her and she doesn't feel the same back then you have lost her respect because you were too easy. So stay friends, even if you tell her you like her what will that do. If she doesn't like you then she will not say YES even when you say you like her. If she likes you, she will let you know. You will notice the signs she gives.
lool i thought this thread was about goin back with an ex.... anyways yeah i think u should try it..but has anything changed much since then? there must be a reason why u wanna go back to it? has she been giving out signals of interest?
i agree with ede.. become friends with her again and hang out a few times alone before you jump into asking her out. do you seriously like her though or do you just have the hots for her??? it's been a year since you asked her out the 1st time and if you havent really kept in touch with her then you really need to hang out with her a few times first. it's kindof creepy from her perspective if you just suddenly come back into her life to ask her out. you get what i mean??? anyhow, dont rush into it. if she wasnt ready a year ago she may not be ready now so take things slow.
not if u start grinding on her in a party when she's dancing lol. jks. but no best way is start to talk to her if u haven't been and then make that move. there's no rush and make sure that she's ready before u do anything.
it never hurts to try, just like what the others said. you'll never know the answer to that question if you don't be more aggressive ( i mean asking her out) even if she doesn't accpet it doesn't mean that you can't still be friends rite? good luck! ^_^
I think he's trying to say, try being aggressive, like actually show her that you really like or love her. In that kind of way, i guess.
If u still like her...go for it...like others have said, worth a try...u've already failed if u refuse to try....
Go ahead if you're ready to risk having your heart break again, or face crush again. No offence, but normally when a girl say she's not ready..most likely she is not interested in you.
i don't know, we work at the same place so it's not like we've lost contact with each other...but for that time we sorta stopped hanging out...except for weekends, but even then that's only when we see each other at work.
so what has changed since last week? anything between you two? did you guys hang out more? Try to invite her out to places to hang out....
^ like hang out with us and friends, or just by ourselves? Nothing really has changed, I have feelings for her again. And I see that she looks at me differently. So maybe there's something there. I'm not sure.
keep at it.... im trying to get with this girl but i haven't seen her since last week.... and we barely talk =[ i don't know I hope it works out for the Both of us