Sally Yeh and George Lam Cheating on Each Other?

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Dav, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    Credit: Jayne @


    Sally Yeh and George Lam Cheating on Each Other?

    Married for the last fourteen years, former music superstars, Sally Yeh Sin Man and George Lam Chi Cheung were rumored to have a turbulent marriage. In recent years, there were numerous rumors that their marriage was failing. Sally may have fallen for a badminton instructor named Mike and they were more than just friends. Allegedly Sally and Mike may even be sharing the same house in San Francisco.

    Throughout the rumors, George remained quiet. However, on June 10th, reporters spotted George and a forty-year-old woman sharing a plate of rice together. The pair met at Sunning Restaurant in Causaway Bay . Due to the basement location and seating in a private room, the couple was not easily discovered by other diners.

    George was shocked by the presence of reporters at the restaurant and dialed his cell phone asking for help. As for his female friend, she turned her head as if there was something to hide.

    Sally and George’s Past Tumultuous Love Affairs

    1982- George wanted to find a new talent to sing the duet, “ Reunion .” Through his first wife, Ng Ching Yuen, he met Sally Yeh.

    1992- During the filming of Sally’s music video, she and George hugged intimately. Sally was dubbed as the third party in George’s marriage.

    1993- When Sally received the Most Popular Female Singer Award at Jade Solid Gold, she shouted, “I love you George Lam!” At the same time, music instructor, Sunny Wong, allegedly became involved with Sally. Inside Sally’s apartment, George and Sunny broke into a physical fight and were arrested by the police.

    1995- George and Ng Ching Yuen officially divorce. George’s twin girls were awarded custody to his ex-wife. Sally became the official woman in George’s life.

    1996- Sally and George got married and take up residence in San Francisco . They lived in a semi-retirement state.

    1999- While vacationing in Hawaii , George stole a pair of sunglasses at a duty-free store. The jury found George to be guilty and a criminal record was retained. Sally and George held a joint conference and Sally insisted the he may have absently taken the sunglasses without thought.

    2003- Guest performing at Liza Wang’s concert, George fell eight feet off the stage. At the hospital, Sally stayed close by George’s side.

    2005- Badminton instructor, Mike, was found spending the night at Sally’s apartment.

    2008- Allegedly, Sally and George’s marriage was on the rocks and the pair were living separately.
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    No...i refuse to acknowledge it. These 2 were or are one of the best singers alive back then and today. Still, i refuse to believe it.
  3. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Not surprise .. what goes around, comes around .. George cheated on his wife w/ Sally and Sally broke up his marriage .. Such people's marriage never ends well.
  4. silentjess

    silentjess Well-Known Member

    i read in another report that they have an 'open marriage' where they both have their own lives. could be possible they date other people but return to their marriage. i think very modern couples are like that ba.

    kinda sad but i guess for a person who can rumor with another woman and then marry her, it may happen again with the new woman. then again, many reasons why 2 people don't work in the first place so we cannot say George is not good man.

    Sally is very pretty, amazing she still maintain.
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    There are reasons why a person's marriage doesn't work out in the first place. Thus, unless the person reflected and knew what s/he did wrong, any subsequent marriage will end the same: DIVORCE. For Sally and George, I believe their togetherness was due to infatuation and infidelity so the same comes back again.