Samantha Ko happy to finally prove herself

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Sep 12, 2020.

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    Being in three TVB dramas back to back with "Death by Zero", "On-Lie Game", and "Al Cappuccino", Samantha Ko stated that she is happy to finally get rid of her image as another one of those sexy starlets and get people to pay attention to her acting instead.

    The actress, who sat down for an interview with Mingpao recently, shared that she has done a lot of hard work in order to prove herself to the audience that she could be a good actress, and that she is happy that viewers are acknowledging her effort.

    "Although my acting skills still need to be honed, I have really worked hard. I even try to change people's perception of my image and for a long time I refused to be sexy. The audience will see your changes and begin to appreciate your efforts and progress," she said.

    Samantha stated that people used to equate being sexy to being a "bad woman", which is why she decided to prove through her action that her outer looks does not equal what's inside. However, after the age of 30, the actress stated that she has now regarded sexiness as a way of showing femininity, and has learned to accept it.

    "I am grateful for the pressure from public opinion. If I didn't experience it as soon as you enter the industry, I don't know how strong I could be. I am fortunate to survive the criticisms at the time," she said, adding that she has learned to appreciate her supporters and thank her critics.

    She continued, "I think that after many years, I can finally do it. From a supporting role to playing the heroine, I really have walked step by step to this day, and I am very grateful that this is the way to go. After going through these storms, even if I face any blows in the future, I can tough it out."

  2. another one confirmed for sept 21 lol 2020 year of Ko Ling :moses:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. eric62451

    eric62451 Well-Known Member

    but.... in Al capuchino, she literally portrayed "another one of those sexy starlets"
  4. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Really, I haven't watched Al yet...
    This one right :p
    does look interesting. Her lisp when she talks is what always attracted me...I think she's kind of similar to Jacqueline Chong, both tall, busty and playing supporting roles...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Proven herself? No offense to her or her fans here in DA; but, she can't act and I don't see her as one of the "sexy starlets". Wonder if this former 30+ year old alcohol virgin is boning any TVB execs to get this succession of drama series. I'm at DBZ ep 10 (I know ... I don't do well with series), if it weren't for Ali Lee (btw, much much sexy hot face.png compared to Samantha Ko), I highly doubt I'll continue with that series.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    stop lying lol. we all's all about boobs!
    #6 ailyeric, Sep 17, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2020
  7. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    What about Katy's character....
  8. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    So far, I agree with her promo videos - it's rather huge sacrifice for what looks like a small role. Katy Kung's character is kinda crazy funny, not too bad. I enjoyed her scenes.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    titi Look up 3rd post...
    • Funny Funny x 1