What do you do or how do you respond in a nice manner when someone of the same sex (who is very good looking and successful) chase after you relentlessly; not enough to consider harassment or stalking; just being totally nice to you in a very touching way.
Tell him that you know he is gay and you think he is good looking lol and your not (i think), tell him if he carrys on then youll stop talking to him or something. try not to descend into a lovers tiff. this is a reason why i dont hang about with gays, they WILL try it on. well his wife didnt stop him with the girl so i doubt it will have any bearing on the outcome with this dude. maybe its the girls bro -bigsmiles
what do you do? just tell him you aren't and do not wish to try ever and that you prefer the feel of a vagina wrapped around your penis.
Just say you don't swing that way (unless you do?) But if you don't want to jepordise your marriage then tell him you're not interested and DON'T tell him you find him attractive otherwise he will ge thte wrong message lol
Is he only doing it to you or others as well? Your life seems to be full of excitements like that -lol
Well considering the facts that he was touched by guys > kissing a coworker > attracting same gender affection wouldn't you call exciting? :naughty: Negi is a reg casanova!