Sammi to add more new shows for fans According to inside reports, Sammi's additional shows for her May concert run have been snapped up in a flash, and apparently, the organizers are still running a shortfall of 3000 tickets. As such, it seems East Asia is considering adding an additional show to fulfill the demand. Sammi's original intention was to have a limited 4 show concert series, but to date, she has added an additional 3 shows, of which her salary for one of the extra shows will go entirely to charity. However, overwhelming demand has caused some fans to ask organizers to add even more shows, and they have passed on the request to Sammi. When asked for confirmation, the East Asia spokesperson said, "We're still thinking about adding shows, but it really depends on Sammi's schedule, and the Coliseum schedule. Sammi is aware of the concerns of the fans, and is thinking about this." On Saturday night, Sammi once again went to a dance studio in Kowloon to prepare for her concert. Because earlier news reports had already published photos of her training, this time, the dance studio's curtains were drawn throughout the 5 hours she was there. Her fans were also concerned about her safety, and formed a protective circle around her when she arrived, and as she left. Those fans were lucky enough to be allowed up to the studio to watch her practice. Sammi left the studio at about 1am that night, and went to a hotel in Cyber Port to pick a couple up, before heading out to Hei Kei in Wanchai for supper. Sammi and her friends were the only customers in the restaurant, and they enjoyed a meal of Pepper Crayfish, Clams in Superior Stock, Chilli Crabs, Mud Carp in Black Bean sauce, Fish porridge and Barbequed Eel, amongst other dishes. Their total bill came up to about 1000HKD. When reporters went into the restaurant to take photos of them, Sammi was a little shocked, and smiled saying, "Thank you very much! I think that's enough pictures for today!" The party left at about 4am, with Sammi's guests taking with them some gift boxes of XO sauce. According to Apple Daily, Sammi also had supper with the same couple on Friday night at Gai Mun Seafood on Garden Street in Wanchai. It seems that Sammi had given her male friend a hug before she left. Source: The Sun, Apple Daily
wow sammi looks kinda unrecognisable in that pic.. what with the specs and why does her chin looks so sharp suddenly??? Hmm...