Sammul Chan (陳鍵鋒), who has been focusing his career in Mainland China in the past few years, usually keeps his fans up-to-date through social media. A few days ago, the former TVB actor shared on Weibo that he had been suffering from a persistent fever, and at one point was worried that he had contracted the Zika fever. Last month, Sammul got bitten by a mosquito while working on Thailand. When he returned to Hong Kong on September 22, he started to experience severe headaches, diarrhea, a high fever, and muscle soreness. His blood pressure went as high as 200. He finally checked himself to a private hospital on September 26, after working a full day. His doctor said his symptoms were dangerously similar to Dengue fever, a mosquito viral disease, and the Zika fever, a highly infectious disease caused by the Zika virus. The doctor then transferred him a public hospital, where he was sent to the emergency ward. Fortunately, it was only the flu. Reporters contacted Sammul for comment, who said, “Fortunately, I am well. I was experiencing headaches, a fever, and muscle soreness, and that got me very worried and scared. Because the film crew had already booked all the schedules, I had no choice but to go through with it.” After a thorough examination, his doctors concluded that he had only caught the influenza. Sammul added, “When I started to feel better, I had a traditional Chinese doctor take a look at me. He prescribed me some medicine, and after about a week, my voice came back.” Because of his condition, Sammul was unable to attend Tavia Yeung (楊怡) and Him Law’s (羅仲謙) wedding on October 2. “Tavia Yeung, sorry I couldn’t go,” said Sammul on Weibo. “I’m also sorry for not attending to the grand opening of my friend’s new story. Fortunately, filming for Below the Lion Rock <獅子山下> was completed before I got sick. Thank you for understanding!” Creds: Oriental Daily