Say No To Sharks Fin

Discussion in 'The Food Section' started by dreyvii, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    Hi there, was inspired by one of the posts regarding Sharks Fins (yue chi) and decided to campaign a little here.

    Please learn to say no to Sharks Fin soup being served in most Chinese restaurants, or anywhere for that matter. The way they treat those sharks are truly inhumane. Once the fin is harvested, the sharks are thrown back into the sea, unable to swim or fend for themselves, and they eventually die a slow painful death.

    Besides, there's not much nutritional value in sharks fins. They are actually just cartilage, not unlike the nails on your fingers, really! And sharks fin alone is tasteless, and does nothing to a only adds texture, not flavour. It is the broth that really matters. Many chinese restaurants now serve the broth without the sharks fin.

    I know that sharks fin is traditionally a symbol of status and wealth. It is a must during the wedding banquets, and if missing, the hosts will be thought to be stingy and so on. But do help spread the word that sharks are dying, and their numbers are declining, so help save them while we can. Say no to sharks fins.

    Thank you for your time
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It is always difficult to convince people why disappearing sharks can be a bad thing, considering the species is labelled as predator, cruel and all...

    But I personally don't have that many occassion for such delicacies... so guess it doesn't matter much...
  3. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    I am less cruel. When I go fishing and occasionally catch a shark, I either let it go if it's small or bring it home and eat the whole shark. I don't like the idea of only pulling out the shark fin and throwing the shark back into the water. It's like torture.
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    the way sharks eat human......i say kill the sharks!
  5. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    Well, you ever heard of the boy and the starfish at the ocean? One bowl might make a difference. The point is not how often or how much you eat. The point is to boycott the whole thing so that there will be no demand for sharks fin
    As for sharks being predators, that's why they're an important part of the food chain. They are quite high up on the food chain, and they play a big role in the environment.

    If you think about it, we humans are encroaching on their space in the first place. We were not meant to be in the ocean, that's not our habitat. Though they might've been more gentle in chasing us away (LOL), but that's just not their nature. got it right. It's pure torture! Imagine someone chopping off your arms and legs and leaving you there to bleed to death! Do you really catch sharks?? Haha...I'm imagining something like the ones you see in "Jaws". I suppose you do deep sea fishing.
  6. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ r u a vegatarian?? because seeems liek u r
  7. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    I don't think he/she is, but I may be wrong.
  8. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ he's saying how animals r treated im assuming hes an animal lover...therefore should'nt b eating meat lol
  9. AsanPride

    AsanPride Well-Known Member

    I saw a show on Discovery Channel once.. don't know if you guys know that channel. Anywayz, they said that shark fins are bad for you because tiny bits of mercury are stored in the shark fins, and everytime when we eat them, the mercury gets into our brains and kills our brain cells. Which causes people to have short-term memory loss or long-term. Yeah.. and for those of you that don't know, our brain cells don't grow back...
  10. 無得頂

    無得頂 Well-Known Member

    Some people don't care even if it's bad for their health as long as the food is expensive and tastes good. They think "humans don't have that long to live, maybe 70-90 years only, so why not enjoy life."
  11. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Well, I am aware of the cruelty too, as I heard that most often than not, the fishermen just cut off the sharks' fins, and then let them back into the sea, and the sharks would just bleed to death :(

    But I am a sucker when it comes to shark fins' soup, so delicious... I am ashamed of myself >.< -emb
    But sigh, one person saying no won't make any difference if the rest in my gang wants to order it right? -^_^

    Wow, u caught shark? Interesting :D
  12. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    errr sorry i wont join u here babyrain.... sobs... i love sharkfin too much to say no to them... oh... well maybe i could.... i might still like it fun si and the sharfin soup...
    but hey have u tried the vegetarian sharkfin? they taste as good as the real ones;0
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    sharkfin soup is too good, if the sharkfins are already cut, why waste em, dig in lol mmmmmmmmmmm
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    And that's exactly the mentality (and refusal to fact the truth) which leads to all kinds of environmental problem. -nono

    Oh wait, we won't have environmental problems in a generation or two because we won't have an environment to having problems with. All higher living species will be wiped out due to either starvation, thirst, pollution, lack of clean air, climate change etc. May as well speed our apocalypse up so that we can catch the firework shows which is our brilliant demise right?
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    thought you wouldn't talk about the enviroment for the shark fins lol, but yeah it would lead to apocalypse and all but if someone gave you a bowl of shark fin soup would you turn it down and protest it lol, i gotta admit i am an "never thinks twice" kind of guy thats just a fact lol. but for those who have my mentality why would we save these killer sharks and the killer bees lol, alot of people think like that though, including the war at iraq and shit, why would we save these people if they are not living in our country, the war is wrong!!!!, thats how i think too lol-imwithstu
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Hehehe, I didn't say I wanna quit my sharkfin delicacies... lol I still would take them if someone orders it in a restaurant :p
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Oh, so you are with the gang of self-righteous rip-offs which takes advantage of other less developed countries resources. Well, what can I say, no wonder some countries are more hated than others? -whistle

    I don't know, what goes around comes around? And for your information, the war is wrong, yet not saving others while one's able to is just lacking conscience, guess you don't miss it. <_<

    Meh, I haven't had it in the longest time, nowadays most banquets I go to, somehow the host will shower us with all kinds of delicacies including huge abalones and items which is really complicated to make (and exclusive)
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    I'm an ABC, thats kinda how we think and yea, the war is pretty useless now there would probably be less civilian casulties if we are not involved in it. still its a dog eat dog world and its survival of the fittest always so what can i do lol.-noclue
  19. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I would never order shark fin soup myself but if it's offered on the table for me (on a banquet for example) I must admit I can't say no to it...I know how the sharks are treated, have seen it on tv and my parents never buy these decadent things themselves so it's only when we're in HK and we get it offered on the table. (otherwise my parents would say they don't want to eat it, not because they're so considerate with the sharks but they think it's not a neccesary luxury food)
  20. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i finally came to the conclusion that there is no way to save the world from its apocalypse lol, we don't kill, we kill ourselves, we kill ourselves we killed the world. even if we were monks we would have to consume "chai" so eventually the resources would go out and our ecosystem will crash lol, but yeah we can shorten that by saving the sharks and the bees and everything but we are greedy people, i mean pigs, chicken and cows are treated badly and yet that's what we eat everyday lol and we don't save them, i think the word "endangered" is a word that will be attached to everything but we don't use it because we want to lessen our guilt to kill, so basically we are screwed!!!omg