Okay, I am a bit pissed off... My mom just sold her old car to this guy, and he told her it's okay not to sign anything, so he left with the car and car title. This is not okay right? I have no experience over this, but something is seriously wrong here. when I woke up, I told her to call him back and make her sign on the Title to indicate that she sold her car to him, So far I don't know what the heck....
Both party needs to sign. If the buyer gets into troubles (ie: accidents), your mom would be responsible.
yea I know, that's why I am so pissed, so tired from class today I just went to sleep, 2 exams next week to study for. now these crap I have to deal for her.... she called the guy but I don't know what the HELL is what they are going to do. Common sense, simple signature what the FU##
either that go to the department of motor vehicle n get a form to release the liability for the car. one time i sold a car n i forgot to turn in my portion of the title n the dude never registered the car. it got towed and was sitting in the tow yar for months n they were trying to get me to pay for it. i got the form from the dmv n i released the liability to the guy. lucky i remember his name and info. hope this doesn't turn around n screw ur mom over.