I'm not a guy hahah.. but I want to comment. A lot of girls these days are sex-smart. A lot of people who have one night stands could be just the partiers (don't want to stereotype here) but really.. if u think about it. A lot of people I know .. yes, even the guys are willing to wait. Umm.. for the guys.. I believe it could just be all talk hahaha. If u really think about it now, what ARE the chances that a really really hot girl would approach them? I really think that the guy would get excited at first, but then they get scared. I swear I have this feeling that they would run away. A lot of the time it could just be talk. However, curiosity might kick in. So yea.. There's so many of us, guys and girls who aren't into this whole "casual sex" scene at all. I'm in university right now and there's all these "casual sex" talk going around campus. Just cause the others are doing it, does it mean we follow? I'm a firm believe of protecting my own body .. my self. I won't let any guy push me into having sex unless I know I'm ready. I prefer to think with my head than rather follow my heart. Okay, let's put it to this way. There are always those who do.. and those who don't.. u know what I mean? Just be proud of the the fact that ur the "don't" =D
=) I'm a girl and I have something to say too!! I've never been into the sex after marriage thing, b/c I feel like when the time is right, then go for it...don't hold back b/c you're scared or don't know if they are "THE ONE" I mean c'mon, if you've only had 1 guy in you're whole life, how do you know he's "THE ONE" Like the guys, I do believe sex is essential to a relationship...only b/c I feel that if you reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly are into your gf/bf then the more close to you want to be to them...if you don't feel like ever having sex with your bf/gf then you are more than likely no longer attracted or interested in them. I don't call having sex before marriage "casual sex" b/c I do think you should value yourself more than that...but I really don't think SEX is a BIG deal as long as you're not sleeping with your whole neighborhood. Do it when you feel like it's right...everyone has needs.
A cute girl once told me that she is "only going to have sex 10 times a year..." Then I never called her out again... If the girl isn't ready, I don't mind waiting at all. Waiting 3 months is nothing. But I doubt I'd marry a girl with a no premarital sex attitude. It's like commiting to a life of bad sex or no sex! In fact, what happens it your wife surprises you on your wedding night by being a transexual? I like sex and me and my future wife are going to have sex at least 5 times a week...lol
I think you mean sex as intercourse. Just a general comment: I personally think that it is best to have sex after marriage even though she's a virgin or not. The reason being is that when that time comes, you know he's your man....or you think he is? (LOL) A girl has to know a man well, basically. Not because he's darn hot, but the characteristics he has. Although one thinks that he/she's always right whatever comes out of his/her mouth, then we gotta start schooling them to a higher reasoning level. I think men ought to respect every woman. Not because she IS a woman, but she has her own way of looking at things differently....like everyone of us. Remember, we ought to be responsible for every actions we make. A human is not a PC. We can't just hit the delete key and voila.
wow.......there are definitely lots of thoughts for this topic. mostly my comments have already been said, but i want to add it kinda depends on the person to describe casual sex. a person could think of casual sex as an enjoyment to satisfy his/her pleasures and hope along the way he/she will find the destined one. this person wouldn't think it's a big deal. but for others who are more, let's say, traditional, then casual is not the way to go. i suppose sex before or after marriage concerns with how the relationship is going. mostly people wait until their married, because they're afraid after sex, their partner would get tired and break up with him/her.
whoa, what a rant .. anyways .. i think sex after marriage ties in with procreation. since most people would like to procreate only during marriage, and hopefully not during a one night stand. but... sex after marriage is good. i am a guy. so i wouldn't mind if the girl wants to hold off of sex. gives me more time to practice and get better. lol. jk however on good terms, if on a subject like this. if your partner cannot agree with you and is enforcing on sex >> to 'strength' the relationship. dump him. since, this will not be the only thing that will later on be a major disagreement.
How about hook up buddies? Maybe this is not a common thing for asian but for American and European, it does indeed in either males and females. I'm really curious about this. Does anyone here have this kind of experience?
a person that dumps a girl because they are rejected for sex means that the guy doesnt love her , but loves sex i think u should respect the girl which guy doesnt want to have sex u hear all these ppl talkin bout goin with a girl and havin sex after all we can do now is to be jealous and respect to our girls it wouldnt be rite if u were forced to do sumthin u dunt want to do