if this is tru then hes gettnig a salary cut...how can celtics afford all these players?? 2 o'neal on the same team??
Looks like its official http://www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/extras/celtics_blog/2010/08/its_official_ce.html
Probably a salary cut :S. Celtics are pretty tanked if you think about it. Too bad that everyone is like old 'cept for Rondo
Shaq is taking Veterans Minimum. I think he's a good fit with this ageing Boston team. Half court sets is what what Boston do best. Shaq never fit in with the Suns or the Cavs because they both play a fast and up tempo game.
Hack the Shaq, please. No point of talking about how low is low when talking about Shaq. The low blow from Shaq against Mo William is lower than whore. Never like him since he was with the Magics. Don't like him when he was a Lakers, neither when he was with Miami. A big mistake signing him to the Cavs. And, what now, Celtics. He is going to ruin the perfectly good ship. Dead weight sinks the ship...man! What else...try all the winning teams and bitch about every one of them and his former teammates....that's absolutely low!