After displeasure in working with TVB, Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯) ventured out and worked independently. Complaining of filming dramas without a complete script, Sheren’s criticisms last year during the airing of Beauty at War <金枝慾孽(貳)> brought to light TVB’s long-time poor practices. Sheren was subsequently not included in the filming of Rosy Business 3 <巾幗梟雄之諜血長天> despite winning critical acclaim in the first two installments. With the station’s declining ratings, TVB has been inviting veteran artistes such as Kent Tong (湯鎮業) and Anthony Wong (黃秋生) to film for upcoming drama, The Hero <梟雄>. However, Sheren refused to comment on the rumors that TVB lacked artistes and had to use their friendship cards to invite veterans back. On June 21, Sheren volunteered for a community supermarket as a cashier for the day, attracting many onlookers and bringing business into the store. Having to handle moving boxes and stocking supplies, Sheren was surprised at the amount of work cashiers have to do every day. Although this was not her first time manning the cash register, Sheren was still worried about giving back the wrong change. After a day of work, Sheren stated that community supermarkets were a good idea, and that they offer products at a more affordable price for consumers. Despite successfully attracting a large crowd, Sheren would not consider opening a business nor would she invest in one. “I’m really bad at doing business. I’ll just be in the way, and make the business go bankrupt. However, I’m more than willing to help communities with their promotions.” Creds: Oncc