Sherman Chung Leaves Don Li Waiting

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Dec 16, 2007.

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    Sunday December 16, 2007 Hong Kong

    Miriam Yeung (楊千嬅), Theresa Fu (傅穎), Terence Tsui (小肥), Don Li (李逸朗) and Sherman Chung (鍾舒漫) were among the guests at a leg and back injury awareness event held by the Occupational Health Promotional Campaign yesterday to spread the word about safety at work.

    Don and Sherman arrived late because Sherman slept in and Don had to wait for her at the hairstylists. Sherman explained that she was in such a rush that she did not even have time to have her hair done for the event. Don said that he was quite angry about her being late, but when she arrived with her eyelashes half applied, he could not help but laugh at her.

    Talking of her own experiences of occupational hazards, Miriam said that as an artiste, she often has to wear high-heeled shoes and this often leaves her with an aching back. She added that when she worked as a nurse, she had to help move patients around and once injured her back because of an incorrect manoeuvre and this has been a recurring injury since.

    Miriam said that she understands the importance of good health, so she takes exercise every day, such as Thai boxing, running and doing weights. She laughed that now she is getting older, she has to make sure she is keeping fit.

    Theresa said that she has had a bit of a runny nose recently, but with the busy Christmas season approaching, she will do her best to get better before her many performances so that it will not affect her voice. Asked if her income has increased a lot, she said that she has not really counted, but is happy to have her paycheque every month. She said that aside from the housekeeping that she pays her family, she has been investing in herself by taking singing and dancing lessons.

    credits: batgwa.