Former TVB actress Sherming Yiu (姚樂怡) has given birth to her first baby, a 3.4kg (6.8 LB) girl she named Gaibe. As reported on Apple Daily, the 42 year-old actress, who announced her pregnancy back in August, revealed the news on Weibo last weekend, saying, "Gaibe was born on 22 December. She is a winter solstice baby." "I am excited to become a mother for the very first time. It has been tiring, but I am happy that the baby is here to celebrate Christmas with us!" In a later interview, Sherming, who had just returned home from the hospital, revealed that her baby was born two weeks earlier than expected via Caesarean section. As for her Chinese name, the actress said that they have yet to determine it for the time being. Cred: Apple Daily / Yahoo.Sg