Should the Chinese forgive the Japanese?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by johnnyDANGerous, Jul 31, 2006.


Should the Chinese forgive the Japanese?

  1. Yes, let begones be begones. We need to forget and move on.

    80 vote(s)
  2. Absolutely not. What they did was terrible and do not deserve forgiveness.

    80 vote(s)
  3. No comment regarding this issue.

    34 vote(s)
  1. johnnyDANGerous

    johnnyDANGerous Well-Known Member

    What do you think?

    This might be somewhat of a biased question, but it brings forth a significant issue of the past that still affects many of us today. Japan did commit war crime atrocities during WWII. But do realize that this has happened 60 years ago.

    So do you think we should forgive and forget?

    Here's an article I found by BBC News. There are severeal different viewpoints from this article:

    When have textbooks not been biased? Look at Christopher Columbus, some countries praise him while some despise him. The state of Texas creates its own textbooks that play down the theory of evolution. There are countless other examples. It is the same with Japan and China they create textbooks to reflect their national interest and pride. I feel the reaction is completely out of control.
    Christopher Southerlin, Anchorage, AK, US

    The Chinese have a valid point. Japan did commit war crimes atrocities during World War II. However, the war has been over for 60 years. Japan is no longer the same militaristic country that it was in WWII anymore than Germany is. While it's wrong for Japan to whitewash its history, it's equally wrong for China to nurture old hatreds against the Japanese. The Japanese should acknowledge their WWII history and the Chinese should acknowledge Japan's peaceful progress since WWII.
    Greg, Philadelphia, USA

    I think this problem is going to be continued because the essence of this problem is that China is communism and autocracy. I'm worried about South Korea more than China. Because they are continuing to keep the single knowledge of history although they are a liberal democratic country.
    Yasuaki Shikinami, Saitama prefecture, Japan

    If you are interested in reading further, click here:
  2. ahhamah

    ahhamah Well-Known Member

    No country will volunteerily say they fucked up in their own history books. Personally I think 60 years should wipe out any hatred left on both sides. WWII vets are at least 80-90 years old! But as we know that is never the case. The Chinese will never forget about WWII, the Native Americans will never forget about what the US has done to them.

    I find most people to be against communism but can never explain why. You think communism is the problem??? WHY?
  3. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    Forgiveness, Yes. However, not until they admit that their ancestors have wronged us, and acknowledge it (esp in their textbooks). Some reparations wouldn't be bad either to the families of the afflicted.

    Look at the Americans, they admit that they wronged the native Americans, grant them land rights as reparations, and teach history as it occurred in schools. They didn't try to alter history, erase it from textbooks, and say that what they did was right or never happened.....
    #3 ribsandbbqbeef, Jul 31, 2006
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006
  4. this whole thing is too political for my brain -confused
  5. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    nowadays japanese weren't as cruel and bad as past years. their now more independent of their own things and so is chinese ppl. we don't have nothing in common with any wars or tradings, or etc.... stuffs, anymore...

    besides in the very past years like long ago, they DID really harm chinese ppl and kill a lot of us ppl and bring nightmares to most chinese. so i don't think any of the older generations of chinese will EVER forgive them.
    but to us generations, we mostly see them as alright or cool type of ppl. cuz no more wars, no more killings, and everything.
    therefore, we don't have anything hateful against them, besides if your looking back on the past past years of china and japan.

    since now we don't have any arguments and killing with one another, i think we should maybe just move on. cuz the past is the past, and no one could do anything to change the history of life.

    but i think there's still sad points to what they did to the chinese though. esp the rape of nanking... terrible disaster! -censored
    therefore, i don't know if most chinese will ever forgive them..
    but for WWII...... maybe.. since they weren't as bad as the other things. but still, chinese ppl would prob save this as a memory, so i don't think they WILL forgive them..

    afterall, they do DID a lot of bads to the chinese!
    #5 HK! Fish, Jul 31, 2006
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006
  6. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I agree with you too, not until the Japanese make a formal apology to us Chinese that I will completely forgive them. Deep down, I will always carry that somewhat of a dislike towards the Japanese because of what they did to my family. That's why I sometimes see them as 'arrogant' as they refuse to make formal apology.

    But on the other hand, we cannot hate someone forever and totally alienate them. Look, most of us Chinese already subconsciously 'support' them by dining at Japanese restaurants, driving Japenese cars, use Japanese technology and products, etc.
  7. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i thought the chinese government accepted the apology already cause i rememebring seeing the japan government wanting to apologize
  8. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    haha.. that's right.. also with the Americans, Americans esp have the BIG support on Japan. with all the cars and tech, and now plus anime. lol
  9. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    We must not mistake forgetting with forgiving. All of us have forgotten what the Japanese did to us (I'm referring to our day to day lives, how often do we think about this?), and is why we use Japanese things, and eat Japanese food.

    And I agree, not all the Japanese are responsible....mainly their government & army at the time, and their political leaders who made the decisions. I don't blame the common Japanese who just lived during that time in Japan and went about their lives.

    However, as many of you have heard before, history will repeat itself; and to not record it correctly as it did happen (ie Japs refusing to write their textbooks correctly and openly making statements to the effect that the Namking massacre never happened), and to not take steps to prevent it from happening again; when it does, it will be too late.
  10. aussiekid

    aussiekid Well-Known Member

    forgive forgive.. but wat about those who're still alive since ww2? wat about those children/grandchildren etc of their ancestors being victims? hatred will go on from theerr..
    wat about poor places in china without education or knowledge.. so they'll go on thinkin of hatin japan?
    same thing goes to japan.. wat tbout descendants of those jap soldiers? family education n history plays a big role in bringing frendship btw these 2 countries.
    dun forget too.. china government is best in takin any opportunities.. they want to b d strongest n most powerful asian country.. japan has been d one all this while.. but now china's econ is booming.. wat bout the politicians in china? i'm very sure they're encouraging in any ways to lead chinese to hate japanese more? or to use this exccuse to bring down japan so china can b strongest? they're willing to do anythin for their own greed.
    japan is smart.. to switch to technology instea of war etc. Japan is payin everythin always apologizing.. givin money etc..
    so wat else china wants? to bomb or to kill japanese to be equal? if chinese gov keeps bringing up bout this and not forgiving.. in other words, they want to revenge and kill japanese.. even a 5 yr old cud think so. BUT they're competing in econ aspect, while buildin heavy army weapons etc.
    tvb show war n destiny.. yes it's to tell about war btw japs n nanking.. juz like other shows/movies b4.. but couldd this spark any tension and lead to more hatre or forgiveness btw chinese n jap?
  11. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    We should all forgive, the war was so long ago and times change.

    But it should not be acceptable for Japan to write history books saying they did good things and mention nothing of what they did to other Asian nations. Why is it people can say never forget the Holocaust but then no one cares about what happened in Asia in WWII, in my eyes they are on par and both should never be forgotten and both deserve equal recognition.

    Whatever, if Japan continues this way it will just increase tension and mistrust between Countries - the balls in their court and to be honest an apology and acknowledgement is not a lot to ask for at all.
  12. aussiekid

    aussiekid Well-Known Member

    oh japan wrote such things in their history books? oh gosh.. watever it is.. they can nv run.. the truth is all out there in non ficion books.. i cried readin one of books on nanking.. horrific.. very sad pictures..
  13. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^ yeh the pictures in "Rape of Nanking" is quite graphic
  14. Sexygundam

    Sexygundam Well-Known Member

    No!and NEVER! ok well, the Japanese raped the women, killed the chinese in a cruel way did werido and painful experiments on them and um... injured some womens wombs as they were pregnant I mean how the hell can you forgive them for doing that! I think that the Japanese should do something like pay for all the damages done I'm use that the chinese are scarred from this...and scarrs can never go away.
  15. aussiekid

    aussiekid Well-Known Member

    then if never forgive.. soon.. politicians will take charge.. and war will happen..
    look at george bush.. cannot forgive afghan in first place.. oh well.. that was harsh.. i wudn't forgive them for wat they did.. but it's the terrorists' fault.. not the innocent civillains..
    wat else ar.. hmm.. then wat about hitler's victims? forgive? victims of cold war? forgive?
    i think most parties.. are politically controlling the country in terms of dominating the economy globally.. trying to compete economically.. that's one of d ways of silent war.. but if it worsens, as time'll wipe out the whole world due to inflation, faminine (duno how to spell), poverty, civil war.. war btw upper/lower class, newborn diseases etc...
    and mostly are building nuclears..weapons.. military strategies.. ready for any war in future.. OO LALALA.. MALAYSIA IS THE BEST.. LOLLL.. no war.. no weapons.. USE MOUTH..
  16. I mean my mum always tells me how chan yan they were and stuff....and I'm like I really dun wanna kno...>.<"

    I mean yeh it was really bad and stuff but its history, right? Let it stay that way!

    Its time to forgive and move on! I mean yeh, forgive but dont forget so that it wont happen again ;)
  17. Skeffington

    Skeffington Active Member

    it's such a complicated issue. i think eventually you need to forgive, but not to forget. the atrocities which have occured need to be remembered so as to avoid repeating them. i remember reading a book on the rape of nanking, it just boggled the mind how terrible it was.
  18. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    I am chinese and I was not there when It happen but I am a bit angry with them when the news come out that they want to change the fact in their history book.

    I think that is so unresponsible even the current generation did not do anything but they have to remember this incident so it never repeat and also as a token of how sorry they are on what been done.
  19. altongoh

    altongoh Member

    that's all history to me. now, both countries should help to boost each others economies up as this region is really making good progress
  20. drft_anbu

    drft_anbu Active Member

    this is all history now, if everyone held a grudge against another in regards to something they did wrong so many years ago, this world will be far worst off than it already is. the chinese wont forgive the japanese, the japanese wont forgive the americans (for the nukes), the americans wont forgive the germans, african americans from slave descents wont forgive america for tolerating slavery, and so on and so forth. you get the point. history is f-ed up as it already is. i dont believe there is a need to wipe away history, but to acknowledge how stupid the act was in the first place so that we do not repeat the same mistakes.