Show Luo Gets Jealous with Fans; No One Bothers With The Store-Manager-for-the-Day

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by jazlynnyee, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. jazlynnyee

    jazlynnyee Fantabulous!!!


    Show Luo Gets Jealous with Fans; No One Bothers With The Store-Manager-for-the-Day

    Show "Xiao Zhu [Little Pig]" Luo sure knows how to reel in the money, besides his main occupation as a celebrity/entertainer, he also owns a clothing line. His new branch in Kaohsiung opened, and in a short 2 hours, he made $1.5 million. Though his brand is very popular, it actually made this "celebrity store manager" desolated!

    Products Popular, 2 hours Reels $1.5 million

    Show's self established clothing brand was opened last year in Taipei, and then Singapore and Hong Kong. Yesterday, he extended his branch into Kaohsiung, balancing out from the north to south of Taiwan. He chose to hold the grand opening at 11 A.M., Show was the store-manager-of-the-day, but little did he know that due to the limited edition of his clothes, his fans were in a rush to make purchases, moreover, little people had acknowledged that he was there, making him feel temporarily at a loss of words, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "This is first time I've felt that I have no charisma."

    Boss Gets Roast Pig to Celebrate with Employees

    The day before he grand opening, Show had arrived in the south to lead plans, and then held a celebration party, with a roast pig to celebrate with everyone. When asked what difference was being an entertainer/celebrity and a boss? Show said, "When you're an entertainer, you get applause, which makes me really excited and gives me a strong force and motive. But when you're a boss and you see people on the streets wearing your clothing brand, you'll feel really accomplished."

    Being a celebrity and having your own store seems like an easy way to make money, but that's not the case. Whenever Show is finished with his business as an entertainer, he'll give up his own personal relax time, he said, "Money is made, but it's not as easy as everyone deems it to be."

    Source: Liberty Times
    Translated by o_ost1nao_o @ Show Lo's International English Forum
  2. lol..... maybe the people just didn't expect him to be there...