discuss! haven't watched the first episode yet (wtf 2 episodes tonight?!!), but i've watched the trailer. impressions: - 40 episodes O_O - damian lau surely could use another wife... - ugh... women fighting each other again, seems like one of those palace concubine fight shows again (i might be wrong and i hope i am), i hate them seriously.
actually, it's not so bad. I actually understand it, unlike some celebs where I have no fucking clue what they are trying to say. I'm quite surprised that Damian's english isn't bad. I can fully understand it. I am quite disappointed in Kenneth though. Although I never actually heard Kenneth speak English, but I do know that he graduated in England, so I assumed his English was going to be better aside from English, the storyline so far is pretty good. I'm kinda upset that theyre going to make Tavia Damian's wife though. Kinda preferred her to be Kenneth's future wife instead
I also only watched the trailer... and was tricked into thinking that Bernice Liu was back by those brief flashes of someone that looked oh-so-much like her. Well, now the time has come for me to huddle in a corner and cry because I was sorely mistaken.. T___T
Watched the first 2 episode and not bad so far. With added English speaking through the conversation not bad also
I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. -1 to kenneth ma and +1 to Daiman! Also when they say "Tung Ting Hung", I always think they are referring to the guy from The Voice hehee
Sorry I actually really can't stand the english every two lines... especially between the father and son. I highly doubt that Hong Kong was like that during that time as well.. Really irritates me -.-
hmm i agree with above. Damien's english is so much better then Kenneth. I was expecting damien to not be as fluent.
With some quick glimpse from the TV I thought that 10 miu was Fala Chen lol (that girl with Kenneth/5 gor). Might have got the name wrong as I barely watched it, only watched it for about 3 minutes (second half of the double episode)
i agree damian's english was better than kenneth's. kenneth should be ashamed of being the younger between the two but with way worse english. even so, there were times i just had to rely on the subtitles to understand what they were saying -_-; that bernice liu look-a-like lol, i know who you mean, the servant xD i talked to my gf and she said she thought the same haha. the show is better than i expected, i'm really glad about it, otherwise it would've been a pain in the @$$ for 40 episodes (that, or 40 days not watching one of the tvb shows). also, yes, tavia yeung becoming damian's wife, WTF... not like he didn't have enough wifes already and he's gonna marry JJ as well? jesus christ, leave some to your sons perhaps?
read somewhere 'siew yau' will be replaced with fala later on..??? <3 seeing old actors/actresses esp damian lau, chan yuk lin, shek sau -lol
Let's not expect them to have great pronunciations, that's just wishful thinking... What I don't like is the fact that they have to throw in a few english phrases here and there, it gets annoying. As the series goes, it's so far ok...
Could they both stop speaking English FFS. I only understood less than half of what they are saying. Speak Canto grrrr. This spoils the serie.