South Korean heist film, The Thieves <奪寶聯盟), which follows the escapades of 10 thieves through Hong Kong, Macau, Seoul and Busan to steal a diamond necklace, also stars Hong Kong actor Simon Yam (任達華) and Malaysian actress, Angelica Lee (李心潔) who wowed the Korean viewers despite the language barrier. The film opened in mainland Chinese theaters on January 15, 2013. Highest Grossing Movie in South Korea in 2012 The Thieves opened to critical acclaim in South Korea in July last year, and within the first week, already drew 3.35 million theatergoers. Directed by one of Korean’s most successful directors, Choi Dong Hun, the movie is currently only second to The Host at the Korean box office. The action comedy also stars Korean actors, Kim Yoon Seok, Lee Jung Jae, Kim Hye Soo and Kim Soo Hyun. International Appeal With past hit movies such as Echoes of the Rainbow <歲月神偷>, Nightfall <大追捕> and Design of Death <殺生 >, The Thieves is yet another achievement under Simon Yam’s belt. Considered an “old hand” when it comes to the portrayal of a criminal, 58-year-old Simon played the role of a thief impeccably once again. He also proved his international worth when viewers in South Korea sat up and noticed this actor from Hong Kong who, among the top stars in South Korea, managed to shine through in his role as Chen. Not only can Simon do action scenes well, he still manages to steal the hearts of young girls with his love scenes, as proven in The Thieves. Playing opposite South Korean’s Kim Hae Sook, Simon has a multinational and touching love story which will have viewers reaching for their tissues. Shedding Stereotype to Play Undercover Cop Following The Eye <見鬼> and Missing <深海寻人>, Angelica Lee will remove her mask of horror to take on the role of the daughter of a Hong Kong professional safecracker. Playing a strong and highly-skilled yegg, this is Angelica’s first foray into an action film. However, her role comes with a twist. Not only is she deft with her fingers, she is an undercover cop and viewers will get to see her in uniform. Costar Jun Ji Hyun spoke about Simon and Angelica, “I am touched by the hospitality of my Hong Kong costars. When we went to Hong Kong, they were friendly and made us feel right at home straightaway!” The Thieves Trailer [video=youtube;QDC9QS3MRCs][/video] Cred: Sina