Sisley Choi an Outcast Among Other Miss HK Winners

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Grace Chan (陳凱琳) beat Sisley Choi (蔡思貝) by more than 50,000 votes in the publicly-voted 2013 Miss Hong Kong pageant. Yet, Sisley’s figure surpasses Grace, who at 87 pounds and with a chest measurement of 30 inches, is teased for being the Miss Hong Kong with a flat chest.

    According to reports, Sisley viewed Grace as her biggest rival for the crown from the start. At the start of the pageant, Sisley often appeared without makeup at events, while making a jab at other contestants who could not reveal their bare skin. When attention was drawn to Grace before the competition because of her rich family background, Sisley spoke about her family voluntarily, revealing that her father is a retired policeman while her mother is a housewife.

    In the pageant’s follow-up interview, Sisley was asked if she thinks that her looks and figure are better than the newly crowned Grace. Sisley said, “Miss Hong Kong is not based on looks alone. Grace has both (looks and figure). If Miss Hong Kong is based on those criteria, then every year the result will be the same.” Sisley said that Grace was very calm and her performance progressed well throughout the pageant.

    Shortly after, in the celebratory party on September 4 in Tseun Kwan O, reporters remarked that Sisley’s figure is better than Grace. When Sisley praised Grace’s good figure instead, others speculated whether Sisley was being sarcastic. When Grace came to know of Sisley’s reply, she said graciously, “No one knows the perfect height and weight. Everyone’s definition of beauty is different. I won’t lose my confidence just based on what others say.”

    Ignored by Other Pageant Winners

    Sisley’s bluntness may have irked other candidates as well. During the pageant, Sisley said that Miss Friendship winner, Tammy Ou Yang (歐陽巧瑩), is the most fake among all the contestants. Tammy remembered the remark and rarely spoke with Sisley afterwards.

    After a promotional event last week, the top three winners as well as Miss Friendship, Tammy, proceeded to Causeway Bay for shopping. Grace, Tammy, Moon Lau (劉佩玥), and Vicky Chan (陳偉琪) were seen laughing while eating together. Sisley had wandered off by herself, and was noticeably ignored by the other women when she rejoined them an hour later.

    Responding on her rumored rivalry with Grace and the other women, Sisley said, “Although certain reports have surfaced, I don’t think it’s necessary for us to intentionally act a certain way. Whether it’s good or bad, it’s in our hearts.”


    Creds: Sina
  2. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    grace is pretty.