Nagoya-based popular idol group, SKE48 held a handshake event for their 5th single “Banzai Venus” (released on March 9th) at Pacifico Yokohama on May 3rd. ”Banzai Venus” was the first single for the group to top the Oricon weekly chart and approximately 3,700 fans gathered at the event. The girls performed a total of 4 songs and member, Matsui Jurina stated, “I was touched by the fans’ cheers. They were so warm, and I’m happy that we were accepted not only in Nagoya, but in Yokohama as well.” As we reported earlier, there will be a new 48 group in Fukuoka named, HKT48. Jurina appealed that the people in Nagoya do not like to lose, and SKE is the group which tries the hardest on everything. Matsui Rena also talked about the 3rd senbatsu general election which SKE48 members will participate as well, “While AKB-san is very popular, I’m looking forward how many of us would be able to be in the top stream.” SKE48 is getting more and more active as they will hold their first nation-wide tour starting on June 27th! Source: Tokyohive, Oricon